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发布时间:2018-08-02 15:01
【摘要】:改革开放三十年,随着国民经济的提升,商业银行也取得了长足的进步,行业竞争日益激烈。一是体现在商业银行数量方面,特别是地方性商业银行在短时间内迅速增加,导致中资银行之间的竞争加剧,二是随着我国加入WTO金融管制逐渐放宽,国外先进的金融理念和服务模式都随之涌入,极大地刺激了国内商业银行的全面成长。现阶段商业银行传统盈利模式已经受到极大挑战,必须不断寻求新的利润增长点,而包括个人理财业务的中间业务则成了商业银行关注的重点;另一方面,国民经济整体的发展必然带来人民生活水平的提高,而最直接的表现就是居民个人储蓄存款的增加和理财意识的逐渐成长。居民已不满足传统的资产保值、增值方式,其个人资产投资行为已经从单纯的办理储蓄存款、购买国债产品等业务,向更为高端、更为多元化的模式转化,居民整体的风险承受能力和金融知识水平也在与日俱增,各种各样的投资工具如雨后春笋,在中国金融领域寻找到了自己生存的土壤,生根发芽并发展壮大。所以商业银行面临的竞争也不仅仅是银行业内的竞争,还要面对来自其他金融机构的市场冲击,譬如保险、信托、证券、基金等经营机构。这些主观和客观上的条件,都为我国商业银行的发展提供了滋润的土壤以及学习的机会,使得我国商业银行逐步完善自身,并渐渐走向成熟。但是从总体来看,我国商业银行个人理财业务起步较晚,在银行中间业务收入中所占比重较小,而其在西方发达国家已经走过几十年历程,不仅在指导理论方面较为成熟和完善,同时在服务理念、产品设计、客户细分和客户关系管理等许多方面具有较为先进的实践和经验,这些都是值得我国商业银行借鉴和学习的方面。尤其是基金、保险、信托等非银行金融机构所开展的个人理财业务,丰富了理财市场,为投资者提供了更多的选择机会,而这些机构的营销目标,也就是传统商业银行一直以来的目标客户群体。在这种激烈的竞争环境下,商业银行为了能获取更多的市场份额,就必须调整发展策略,发挥出传统的各项优势,找准自身定位,积极推进该项业务的发展。 本文共分为如下五个部分: 第一部分对个人理财业务进行了概述。主要包括了概念的界定、业务的分类及特点。说到商业银行个人理财业务的概念,应该是众说纷纭的,没有任何一位专家学者和任何一家机构对其的定义是完全被业内承认的,主要原因是因为商业银行的理财业务是一个动态的、发展的领域,随着时代的进步和各类衍生工具的出现,以及各种不同的金融机构不断加入到这一领域,机构与机构之间的合作模式也在不断地发生着变化,再加上各类学者和机构所处的立场、角度的不同,导致这一定义至今无法准确全面地被界定。但这并不影响我们对商业银行个人理财业务进行研究和操作。因为这是一个日渐完善的市场,我们相信,一定会有更为全面的、认可度更高的定义被认可。本文在综合不同的观点和意见之后,提出了笔者自己对于理财业务的定义,并对其业务特点及分类做简要介绍。 第二部分介绍了我国商业银行个人理财业务发展的基本情况。商业银行个人理财业务的发展,其存在的第一个必要条件是:社会财富日益增长,人民生活水平不断提高,收入的增加,特别是可自由支配的收入的增加尤为重要。改革开放以来,整体社会财富实现了极大规模的发展和扩张,同时也实现了部分财富的集中,国家鼓励一部分人通过合法劳动先富裕起来的政策,使得一部分人抓住了机遇,拓展了个人财富,同时这一部分人对于资金的运用也产生了更高的要求。正是这一经济发展模式,带给了商业银行个人理财业务发展的温床,使得商业银行开始认真地研究自身的客户结构以及业务的发展模式,尤为重要的是各种新的产品被不断的推出,以满足市场竞争的需求。个人理财业务存在的第二个必要的条件是:科技的不断进步,科技的进步使得商业银行能够在原有的系统基础上不断更新和改进自身的不足,并加强了与其他非银行金融机构的密切联系,这样既丰富了自身的产品类别,提高了客户参与理财业务的积极性和便捷性,同时也加剧了金融业内的良性竞争,使得这一领域不断地健康发展。基于上述两个必要条件的存在,我国商业银行个人理财业务取得了长足的进步,市场竞争也日渐激烈,更有如雨后春笋般不断涌现的城市商业银行、外资银行不断加入,使得国内原有的商业银行面临着更为严酷的挑战。 第三部分主要介绍了国内其他金融机构个人理财业务的发展。随着市场的不断进步和完善,商业银行个人理财业务已经无法满足市场的整体需求,各种各样的金融机构不断地加入到这一领域,其中包括第三方理财公司、信托公司、证券公司、保险公司等几大主要行业。其中尤以信托公司所产生的影响最为明显,当信托业务进入这一领域以后,其相对较高的综合收益水平极大地吸引了投资者的眼球,当然,高的收益必然会伴随着高的风险,但这一模式,确实真实地改变了国内投资者的观点和看法,那就是,不仅仅局限于商业银行所推出的理财产品,而是在综合考虑自身条件之后,充分地更好地利用自己的闲散资金,而达到更高的收益水平。同时各种其他金融机构的介入也使得理财市场不断的完善,投资观念发生着不断的变化。这些发展和变化,对于商业银行个人理财业务来说,既是挑战,也不失为一种机遇。 第四部分主要介绍了部分发达国家商业银行个人理财业务的发展情况。商业银行个人理财业务本身也是从西方发达国家开始产生。现阶段,发达国家的商业银行早已经不再是单一的存贷款业务,而是向着更为综合的金融服务前进,并呈现出一种综合化、管家式的服务模式。其主要特征表现在:一是客户分层科学,市场定位准确;二是受理渠道多样,满足客户需求;三是从业人员拥有较高的综合素质;四是客户关系管理全面,制度化程度高。这种全方位的个人理财模式已经成为所有商业银行发展的主要方向,其不仅仅可以为客户提供咨询、理财等服务,而且可以向客户提供涉及金融、税务、法律、社会保障等多个领域的综合服务。 第五部分在前述分析及总结的基础上提出我国个人理财业务的发展思路:坚持以客户为中心、以市场为导向,推动对私理财产品研发、销售和风控的平衡发展,加强与其他非银行金融机构理财业务的合作,进一步完善理财产品序列,稳步扩大理财产品规模,努力提高理财产品管理的集约化和专业化,同时加强产品准入评审、销售统筹和存续管理,以及理财从业人员素质的提升,强化风险管控措施,建立全面的客户关系管理,实现个人理财业务持续健康发展。 面对纷繁复杂的市场领域,商业银行要想稳固自身在个人理财业务方面的市场地位,首先必须要适应市场的变革,明确自身市场定位,注重品牌建设,顺“市”而为。二是要注重客户群体的培养,通过优化客户服务流程,建立信息服务平台,提供差异化服务,提高客户忠诚度。三是要不断地创新和完善自身的产品,能够给市场提供更为丰富的产品选择,提高产品的市场竞争力,真正做到以客户为中心,以专业为方向,以科技做支撑。四是要加强专业化的理财队伍的建设和管理,培养高素质、专业化的理财经理队伍。建立健全理财经理的考核机制,在提高理财经理工作积极性的同时,保证理财业务的快速发展。五是要在产品销售过程中加强宣传,提升投资者风险认知能力,培育成熟投资者。六是要加强与其他金融机构的合作,共享客户资源,共建客户服务平台,实现共赢发展。 在我国商业银行个人理财业务方面的研究,基本分为二大类:一是就某一特定的环节,如营销策略、消费者权益保护、某些具体理论(如细分市场理论)的具体运用加以研究,并提出相应建议和对策;二是对目前我国该项业务现状进行分析后,借鉴西方发达国家先进经验提出相应意见和对策。而本文的创新之处在于增加了对我国其他非银行金融机构个人理财业务发展的介绍和分析。随着我国个人理财业务的发展,同时受2009年股市回暖行情的影响及养老问题的突出,不少券商、基金公司、保险公司、信托公司等为其净高值客户配置理财投资顾问和增值服务,对商业银行个人理财业务造成了一定冲击。因此,如何找准商业银行个人理财业务的定位,如何看待这些非银行金融理财机构的存在和发展、加强与其竞争和合作,在共同分享我国个人理财业务市场这块“蛋糕”的同时形成双赢的局面,也是在我国商业银行个人理财业务发展过程中需要关注和重视的问题。
[Abstract]:In the thirty years of reform and opening up, with the promotion of the national economy, the commercial banks have made great progress, and the competition of the industry is becoming increasingly fierce. First, the number of commercial banks, especially the local commercial banks in a short time, is increasing rapidly, leading to the intensification of competition among Chinese banks, and the two is that the financial control of China's entry into the WTO is gradual. At the present stage, the traditional profit model of commercial banks has been greatly challenged, and the new profit growth point must be constantly sought, and the intermediary business of personal financial affairs has become the focus of commercial banks. On the other hand, the overall development of the national economy will inevitably bring about the improvement of the living standard of the people, and the most direct expression is the increase of individual savings deposits and the gradual growth of financial awareness. The residents have not satisfied the traditional assets preservation and value-added, and the investment behavior of their personal assets has been purchased from the simple management of savings deposits. National debt products and other business, to a more high-end, more diversified mode, the overall risk tolerance and financial knowledge of the population is increasing. All kinds of investment tools have sprung up in China's financial field, and have sprouted and developed. So commercial banks face competition. The competition is not only the competition in the banking industry, but also the market impact from other financial institutions, such as insurance, trust, securities, funds and other operating institutions. These subjective and objective conditions have provided a moist soil and learning opportunity for the development of commercial banks in China, making the commercial banks of our country gradually improve themselves, As a whole, the personal financing business of China's commercial banks has started late and has a small proportion in the middle business income of the bank, and it has been in the developed countries for several decades. It is not only mature and perfect in the direction of guiding theory, but also in service concept, product design, customer segmentation and guest. There are more advanced practice and experience in many aspects of household relationship management. These are all aspects worthy of reference and learning by commercial banks of our country. In particular, the personal financial services carried out by non bank financial institutions such as funds, insurance, trust and other financial institutions enrich the financial market and provide more choice opportunities for the investors, and the battalions of these institutions In this fierce competition environment, commercial banks have to adjust the development strategy, give full play to the traditional advantages, find their own orientation and push forward the development of the business.
This article is divided into five parts:
The first part is an overview of personal financial services, including the definition of the concept, the classification and characteristics of the business. The concept of the personal financial business of commercial banks should be divided, and no one expert and any other institution is fully recognized by the industry because of business. The main reason is business. The financial business of the bank is a dynamic, developing field. With the progress of the times and the emergence of various derivatives, and the continuous entry of various financial institutions to this field, the mode of cooperation between institutions and institutions is constantly changing, and the standpoint of various scholars and institutions, the different angles, This definition can not be accurately defined so far. But it does not affect our research and operation on the personal financial business of commercial banks. Because this is an increasingly perfect market, we believe there will be a more comprehensive, more recognised definition. The author gives his own definition of financial services, and gives a brief introduction to its business characteristics and classification.
The second part introduces the basic situation of the development of personal financial services for commercial banks in China. The first necessary condition for the personal financial business of commercial banks is that the increasing social wealth, the continuous improvement of the people's living standards, the increase of the income, especially the increase of the income that can be controlled, is particularly important. Since the whole social wealth has achieved a great scale of development and expansion, at the same time, it has also realized the concentration of part of the wealth. The State encourages some people to get rich first through legal labor, which makes some people seize the opportunity and expand their personal wealth. At the same time, this Division has a higher demand for the use of funds. It is this mode of economic development that brings the hotbed of the development of personal financial services for commercial banks. It makes commercial banks begin to study their own customer structure and business development mode seriously. It is particularly important that various new products be continuously launched to meet the demand of competition in the market. The second must exist in the personal financial business. The conditions are: the continuous progress of science and technology, the progress of science and technology make commercial banks constantly update and improve their own shortcomings on the basis of the original system, and strengthen the close contact with other non bank financial institutions, which not only enriches the product category of its own, but also improves the enthusiasm and convenience of the customers to participate in the financial business. At the same time, it has also intensified the sound competition in the financial industry, making the field develop healthily. Based on the two necessary conditions mentioned above, the personal financial services of commercial banks in China have made great progress, the market competition is increasingly fierce, and the city commercial banks which have sprung up like mushrooms are constantly emerging, and foreign banks continue to join. The domestic commercial banks are facing more severe challenges.
The third part mainly introduces the development of personal financial services of other financial institutions in China. With the continuous improvement and improvement of the market, the personal financial services of commercial banks have been unable to meet the overall demand of the market. All kinds of financial institutions continue to join this field, including third party financial companies, trust companies, securities. Some of the major industries such as companies, insurance companies, and other major industries, especially trust companies have the most obvious impact. When trust business enters this field, its relatively high level of comprehensive income has greatly attracted investors' eyeballs. Of course, high returns are bound to be accompanied by high risks, but this model has really changed. The view and view of domestic investors is that it is not only limited to the financial products that commercial banks have introduced, but to make full use of their own idle funds to achieve a higher level of income after a comprehensive consideration of their own conditions. At the same time, the intervention of various other financial institutions also makes the financial market constantly improving and investing. These developments and changes are both challenges and opportunities for commercial banks'personal financial management.
The fourth part mainly introduces the development of personal financial services of commercial banks in some developed countries. The personal financing business of commercial banks is also starting from the developed countries in the West. At this stage, the commercial banks in the developed countries are no longer a single deposit and loan business, but are moving forward to a more comprehensive financial service. A comprehensive, housekeeping service mode. Its main features are: first, the customer stratified science, the market positioning is accurate; two is the variety of channels to meet the customer needs; three is the higher comprehensive quality of the employees; four is the comprehensive management of customer relations, high degree of institutionalization. It has become the main direction of the development of all commercial banks. It can not only provide customers with consulting, financial and other services, but also can provide customers with comprehensive services in many fields, such as finance, tax, law, social security and so on.
On the basis of the analysis and summary, the fifth part puts forward the development ideas of personal financial management business in China: adhere to the customer centered, market oriented, promote the balanced development of private financial products R & D, sales and wind control, strengthen the cooperation with other non bank financial institutions, and further improve the sequence of financial products. Step by step to expand the scale of financial products, strive to improve the management of the management of financial products and specialization, at the same time, strengthen the evaluation of the product access, the marketing co-ordination and the survival management, as well as the improvement of the quality of the financial practitioners, the strengthening of the risk management and control measures, the establishment of a comprehensive customer relationship management, and the sustainable and healthy development of the personal financial business.
In the face of numerous and complicated market areas, in order to stabilize their market position in personal financial services, commercial banks must first adapt to the changes in the market, define their own market positioning, pay attention to brand construction, and follow the "city". Two, we should pay attention to the cultivation of the customer group, and establish the information service platform by optimizing the customer service flow. To provide different services and improve customer loyalty. Three is to constantly innovate and improve their own products, to provide more rich product selection, improve the market competitiveness of products, and truly take customers as the center, professional orientation, support by science and technology. Four is to strengthen the construction and management of professional financial management team. In order to improve the management of financial managers, to improve the enthusiasm of financial managers and to ensure the rapid development of financial services, five is to strengthen publicity in the process of product sales, improve the cognitive ability of investors, and cultivate mature investors. Six is to strengthen and others. The cooperation of financial institutions, sharing of customer resources, and building a customer service platform to achieve win-win development.
The research on personal financial services of commercial banks in China is divided into two categories: one is to study certain specific links, such as marketing strategy, consumer rights and interests protection, specific application of certain specific theories (such as subdivision market theory), and put forward corresponding suggestions and countermeasures; the two is to divide the current situation of this business in China. After analyzing the advanced experience of western developed countries, some suggestions and countermeasures are put forward. The innovation of this paper is to increase the introduction and analysis of the personal financial business development of other non bank financial institutions in China. With the development of personal financial services in China, it is influenced by the stock market in 2009 and the problem of pension. Many securities firms, fund companies, insurance companies, trust companies, etc. are configuring financial investment advisers and value-added services for their net high value customers, which have caused a certain impact on the personal financial services of commercial banks. Therefore, how to locate the personal financial business of commercial banks and how to look at the existence and development of these non bank financial institutions and strengthen the development of these financial institutions With its competition and cooperation, it is a win-win situation in sharing the "cake" of the individual financial business market in China. It is also a problem that needs to be paid attention and paid attention to in the development of personal financial services of commercial banks in China.


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