[Abstract]:The key to the development of new urbanization is to solve two major problems: one is where people go, the other is where money comes from. Among them, capital is the biggest problem that urbanization faces. For a long time, financial investment has been an important source of capital for urban infrastructure construction in Hebei Province. However, due to the weak financial resources of grass-roots governments, the capital gap of urbanization construction has been large. In addition, the supervision of the investment and financing platform of cities and towns in Hebei Province has been strengthened, and the difficulty of financing urban construction in Hebei Province has been increasing, so solving the financing difficulties has become a problem that must be solved in the development of urbanization in Hebei Province. The present situation of Investment and financing in the Development of urbanization in Hebei Province
【作者单位】: 河北省社会科学院农村经济研究所;
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