[Abstract]:The branch of Agricultural Bank of County is the most basic business and accounting unit of Agricultural Bank of China. It is the main force of Agricultural Bank of China to serve agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and is the foundation to reflect the competitiveness of Agricultural Bank of China. In recent years, with the continuous deepening of the commercial reform of the Agricultural Bank, its county branches have also begun to undergo radical changes, mainly as follows: the internal management is more refined, the business development is more balanced, and the risk management is more self-paced. Profitability is more diversified. However, with the deepening of the national financial reform, as the most important capital price symbol reform, interest rate marketization is close to the closing stage. At present, in addition to the deposit interest rate ceiling has not been liberalized, bank-operated loans, bills discount and other prices have been handed over to the market. The phenomenon of bank interest margin narrowing caused by interest rate marketization has begun to appear. At the same time, the market competition ability, innovation and development ability, risk control ability and value creation ability brought about by interest rate marketization are also higher. This paper analyzes the impact of interest rate marketization on the banking industry, especially on the business management, internal management, product and innovation, risk management and profit model of the county branches at the grass-roots level. This paper points out the main problems existing in the service of the "three rural areas" and the county economy by the county agricultural banks at the grass-roots level, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and ways to deal with these effects and problems.
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