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发布时间:2018-11-24 14:25
[Abstract]:Large forgings are the key parts of heavy equipment, which have been widely used in electric power, aerospace, ship, heavy machinery and other fields. The quality of forgings has a direct impact on the overall level and operational reliability of the equipment. Defects such as pores and inclusions are detected. Ultrasonic detection has the advantages of strong penetration, high accuracy, high sensitivity, low detection cost and harmless to human and environment. It is suitable for defect detection of large forgings. At present, the ultrasonic inspection of large forgings in China is mostly manual scanning, manual interpretation, easy to be missed and misjudged, low detection efficiency and poor reliability, so it is necessary to develop an automatic ultrasonic detection system for large forgings, among which, Detection methods and signal processing are the key technologies involved in the system. However, the technologies used at present all have some limitations. In this paper, theoretical and experimental research on these technologies is carried out. The main research contents are as follows: 1. A multi-channel automatic ultrasonic detection method for large cylindrical forgings and large medium-thick steel plates is presented. For large medium and thick steel plates, the main probe group (both as the horizontal side probe group) is placed in the transverse middle part of the steel plate, and the longitudinal side probe group is placed in the two longitudinal sides of the plate. When the horizontal edge is detected, the plate does not move, the main probe swinging from side to side, and the other parts are detected, The plate moves in a uniform speed straight line along the calendering direction, the main probe swinging from side to side, and the longitudinal side probe does not move, forming the scanning track with rectangular edge and sinusoidal or cosine in the plate. For large cylindrical forgings, the straight probe group and the oblique probe group are placed longitudinally on the two sides of the upper cylinder wall in the diameter direction, respectively. In the detection, the cylindrical forgings rotate around the axis of the forgings, and the two groups of probes move along the axis at the same time. The scanning trajectory that forms the helix in space. The ultrasonic probe is grouped in different positions, and the inspection workpiece is scanned automatically according to the specified path, which improves the efficiency and reliability of the detection. 2. In this paper, the theory and algorithm of ultrasonic echo signal denoising are studied, and the denoising algorithm of ultrasonic reflection echo signal based on wavelet transform and independent component analysis (WICAW).) is proposed. The wavelet transform is used to decompose the original signal, and the coefficients of decomposition are analyzed by independent component analysis, and the separated independent component is evaluated by threshold to filter the noise, and then the ultrasonic signal after noise reduction is obtained by wavelet reconstruction. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm not only does not lose useful information but also improves signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and its performance is better than wavelet soft threshold denoising algorithm. Based on wavelet coefficient clustering and SVM, the feature extraction and recognition algorithm of defect ultrasonic signal is proposed. The wavelet transform is used to decompose the noise reduction ultrasonic echo signal, and then the wavelet coefficients are clustered by the method of probability and statistics, and the wavelet coefficient energy of each cluster is calculated and used as the input eigenvector of the SVM classifier. The defect recognition is realized. The experimental results show that the algorithm reduces the computation of the classifier and improves the accuracy of small sample defect recognition. An automatic ultrasonic detection system for large forgings based on Ethernet is designed. The experimental platform is built and the experimental research is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the detection method and signal processing algorithm proposed in this paper.


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