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发布时间:2018-12-07 18:13
[Abstract]:Taking Majiacun landslide as an example, the transient unsaturated seepage field of residual slope under rainfall infiltration is analyzed by finite element method, and the seepage stability of residual slope is analyzed by limit equilibrium method. The effects of slope structure, face to face and rainfall on slope deformation and stability are analyzed, and the process of rainfall induced residual slope soil landslide is analyzed. The mechanism of rainfall induced residual slope soil landslide is as follows: the weak zone is formed in the slope of residual slope caused by rainfall infiltration, and the tensile crack appears in slope surface caused by excavation of slope foot; Rainfall fills the cracks of the slope with water, which leads to the saturation of the slope soil, the decrease of the shear strength, and the formation of dynamic water pressure, which is not conducive to the stability of the slope. When the sliding force of the slope is greater than the anti-slide force, the sliding occurs.
【作者单位】: 长安大学地测学院;


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