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发布时间:2019-04-01 06:36
[Abstract]:Ammonia is a natural refrigerant with good thermal performance, and both ODP and GWP are zero. Especially, ammonia has been widely used in refrigeration system of cold storage. However, because of its toxicity and flammability, the safety accidents of cold storage caused by ammonia leakage occur frequently. Therefore, reducing the use of ammonia is one of the effective ways to ensure the safety of the system. Under this background, a quantitative liquid supply system of ammonia pump is proposed in this paper, which can not only guarantee the heat transfer performance but also reduce the cycle ratio of ammonia, and then reduce the charge of ammonia in the evaporating pipe and the whole refrigeration system. First of all, the quantitative liquid supply system of ammonia pump and the existing ammonia pump supply system are compared with the ammonia direct expansion liquid supply system. The results show that the ammonia pump quantitative liquid supply system avoids the existence of high pressure liquid pipeline from the outlet of the storage device to the inlet of the evaporator. The harm degree of leakage is reduced; The liquid supply is the actual demand, which reduces the amount of liquid stored in the evaporator and the long pipeline between the evaporator outlet and the low pressure circulation barrel, and enhances the safety of the system. Secondly, the ammonia charge in the evaporator with different cycle rate was studied by theoretical analysis. The Tom interface void ratio model, the modified Zivi slip ratio model and the Smith slip ratio correction model, which are widely used in the calculation of refrigerant charge in refrigeration system, are used to calculate the average ammonia density in the entire evaporating row. And then the ammonia charge in the whole evaporating tube is calculated. The calculated results of the two models are in good agreement, and the results show that the circulation ratio decreases from 4 to 1, and the ammonia charge in the evaporating row decreases by about 60%. The above results indicate that the ammonia charge in evaporating tube can be greatly reduced by using ammonia pump quantitative liquid supply system, and then the ammonia charge in high / low pressure cycle barrel in refrigeration system can be reduced. Thirdly, the heat transfer coefficient of evaporating tube with different cycle rate is analyzed by theoretical analysis. A mathematical model of evaporating tube based on empirical formula of forced convection heat transfer in a tube is established. The effects of mass flow rate, circulation ratio and frost thickness on the heat transfer performance of the system are analyzed by simulation calculation. The results show that the heat transfer performance of the system is affected by mass flow rate, circulation ratio and frost layer thickness. The total heat transfer coefficient of evaporating tube is reduced by 7.1% when the cycle rate is reduced from 4 to 1. Finally, the quantitative liquid supply system of ammonia pump is set up, and the relationship between circulation ratio and charge and heat transfer performance is further studied. The experimental results also show that the reduction of circulation ratio can greatly reduce the supply pipe. The amount of ammonia charge in the evaporating pipe and the return pipe; The circulation ratio decreased from 4.7 to 1.4, and the total heat transfer coefficient of evaporating tube decreased only 6.6%, which indicated that the circulation rate had little effect on the heat transfer performance. Furthermore, the ammonia refrigeration system of the Xipao Food Refrigeration Plant of Beijing Erzhang Group Co., Ltd has been reformed, and the ammonia pump quantitative liquid supply system has been running well after the revamping. To sum up, the ammonia pump quantitative liquid supply system significantly reduces the amount of ammonia stored in the evaporating drain under the condition of ensuring the heat transfer performance. The research results of this paper have important theoretical significance and practical value to the revamping of the existing ammonia refrigeration system and the improvement of the safety of the ammonia refrigeration system in the new ammonia refrigeration system.


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