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发布时间:2018-01-01 03:34

  本文关键词:马克思主义国家与社会关系思想的中国化样态研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 国家与社会 地方政府 社会组织 中国化样态 协同共治

【摘要】:本文立足于从理论与实践两个层面研究马克思主义关于国家与社会关系思想的中国化样态问题,试图回应三个问题:马克思主义关于国家与社会思想的原初样态是什么?中国共产党人对于马克思主义国家与社会关系思想进行了怎样的卓有成效的理论建树?在新的党情、国情、世情发生剧烈变革的现时代,不管是主动求变求适应也好,还是现实政治生态变迁形成的巨大倒逼机制也罢,作为国家与社会关系的“现实样板”,政府与社会组织之间的关系应进行怎样的样态变革才能顺应时代发展趋势要求,实现协同戮力善治格局? 国家与社会,是人类组织构造和秩序生成的两大载体,是马克思主义理论关注的重要命题和理论建构的重要组成部分,亦是当代公共治理范式探究的管理哲学问题。在马克思主义思想谱系中,国家与社会关系思想有着十分深厚的理论内涵和重要的现实价值。荦荦大者计有“国家源于社会”、“社会决定国家”、“公共管理的社会性”、“国家与社会的分化、对立与统一”、“国家消亡与社会复归”等观点和原理,刻画出国家与社会的关系轮廓。 于喷沫鸣溅中接受了马克思主义理论洗礼的中国共产党人也一直在探寻国家与社会关系的理论真谛。卓越的中国共产党的政治领袖们在理论道路上筚路蓝缕以启山林,在集体智慧的基础上承续并创造性地发展了马克思主义的国家与社会关系思想,形成了厚重的马克思主义的国家与社会关系思想的中国化样态图谱。这一样态图谱包括理论样态和实践样态两种样态呈现。理论样态就是毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观的理论体系所阐释的丰富的国家与社会关系思想。文章对上述思想的核心内容、基本框架和理论流变着力进行爬梳。实践样态就是在社会主义建设实践中亟待厘清的政府与社会组织的关系。“形而上”的国家与社会关系演化为“形而下”的政府与社会组织的关系。理论源于实践并高于实践,实践是理论的材料“原产地”。国家的治理以政府为载体,社会的发展以社会组织为依托。现实的政府与社会组织关系成为国家与社会关系的“现实样板”。 论文有六章构成。 第一章,绪论 本章主要阐明了课题的研究背景、研究主旨、研究的理论价值和现实意义,,说明本文的研究方法、逻辑框架结构,并进行相关的国内外文献综合述评和概念的界定和厘清,为本体研究开启序幕。 第二章,经典创建:马克思主义关于国家与社会关系的理论缔造 本章从历史的、理论的角度对马克思主义关于国家与社会关系学说进行梳理与解读。认为,以批判黑格尔对市民社会和政治国家关系的曲解作为逻辑起点,马克思恩格斯形成了自己的科学的国家与社会关系理论,包括市民社会理论、公共管理的社会性思想和国家源于社会并复归社会的思想。之后,列宁全力捍卫并发展了马克思关于国家与社会关系的基本思想,包括“国家消亡”的学说、劳动者享有管理社会的最高权力和最大限度地改善工人和农民的生活状况等一系列新的理论主张。在此基础上,进一步发掘马克思主义经典作家关于国家与社会关系思想给我们的启示。 第三章,理论承续:中国共产党人关于国家与社会关系的接力探索 本章从历史的、文献揽读的角度研究了几代卓越的中国共产党政治领袖们关于国家与社会关系的系列真知灼见,包括毛泽东的民本民权观、邓小平的民主公权理论、“三个代表”重要思想的政党、国家、社会理论以及十六大以来科学发展观对社会管理问题一系列新的思考和探索。毛泽东的民本民权观主要体现在三个方面:权力属于、源于并造福于人民的思想、和人民打成一片的群众路线的工作方法和关心群众疾苦攸关政权之存亡的观点。邓小平的民主公权理论主要见之于三个方面:对于群众团体正确引导而不包办的思想;权力要为广大人民群众切实服务的思想;没有民主就没有社会主义现代化的思想。“三个代表”重要思想的政党、国家、社会理论具体体现为:紧跟时代潮流加强党的执政能力建设的思想;新的历史时期社会主义政治文明建设的思想;人民当家作主和依法治国的辩证统一的思想。科学发展观对社会管理问题的新探索体现为:加强以改善民生为重点的社会建设;社会管理上务必始终坚持以人为本;完善协同参与共治的社会管理格局。 第四章,样态呈现:马克思主义国家与社会关系理论的中国化显示 完成了马克思主义关于国家与社会关系学说的理论样态梳理与解读后,逻辑上本章进而转向研究马克思主义国家与社会关系思想的中国化现实样态。较之国家与社会关系研究的理论务虚性,政府与社会组织关系研究具有明显的实践务实性。为此,本章立足广东,实证性研究了近年来社会组织的发展概况。继而,通过回归分析方法研究得出现实语境下的地方政府与社会组织之间尚未建立起破除心理隔阂的互信关系和良好互动关系的结论。 第五章,样态检视:地方政府与社会组织合作关系的力场博弈 与传统的国家凌驾于社会之上并由此造成国家相对于社会的单线性发展的观点不同,马克思主义认为,国家与社会的利益博弈是围绕公共权力而展开的,公共权力的所有者循着一条从社会—国家—复归社会的路径演进,这是历史发展的必然。以马克思主义关于国家与社会的利益博弈观为分析根基,本章主要回应这么一个问题:地方政府与社会组织合作关系的构建面临哪些动力的支持和阻力的牵制?文章认为,社会组织对治理政府失灵的矫正力、源于体制改革的合作关系的催生力、基于构建服务型政府的合作关系的回应力、面向公共利益这一共同目标的合作关系的契合力是支持和促进合作关系构建的强大驱动力;地方政府与社会组织二者互信关系远未建立起来、“总体性社会”格局难以冰释、社会组织的公信力危机重重、制度、利益与激励难题亟待破解等问题是支离和牵制合作关系构建的巨大阻滞力。 第六章,样态趋势:地方政府与社会组织合作关系实现的路径勘察 从批判黑格尔法哲学中有关市民社会和政治国家的思想以及关于未来社会形态的构想两个方面反映出马克思的社会制约公权观。以马克思的社会制约公权观审视和指导构建新型国家与社会关系,在现实层面就是要构建地方政府与社会组织的合作关系。这一合作关系的构建亟需地方政府与社会组织的共同努力。作为地方政府,要为合作关系的实现做出积极而审慎的行为选择,包括:转变政府管理思路,变“防范”为“规范”;扬弃双重管理体制,创设备案登记制度;破解社会组织困局,政府亟需管理智慧;加强社会组织监管,构筑五道防线体系。作为社会组织,要为合作关系的实现做出诚挚而高效的自身努力,体现为:夯实根基,加强公信力建设;筑实架构,健全自组织体系;充实内涵,保持自身独立性;丰实关系,拓展国际化交往。
[Abstract]:This paper is based on the theory and practice from two aspects of the research on Marx's thoughts about the relationship between the state and society of China state, tried to respond to three questions: what is the Marx doctrine on the ideological state and society in the original state of the Communist Party? China for Marx s thought of national and social contribution to the very fruitful the theory in the new situation? The party situation, the present era, dramatic changes in the world, whether it is active change and adapt to it, or the reality of political ecological changes form the huge forced mechanism worth mentioning, as the relationship between the state and society "realistic model", the relationship between the government and social organizations should be kind to change how the development trend of the times, to achieve the collaborative pattern of good governance?
The state and society, is the two largest carrier generation human tissue structure and order, is an important part of the construction of an important proposition and theory of Marx's theory of concern, is also the modern public governance paradigm of inquiry management philosophy. In Marx's ideological pedigree, thoughts of the relationship between state and society has a very profound theoretical connotation and the important practical value. The most essential points are "countries from society", "social state", "social" public management ", the differentiation of state and society, opposition and unity", "the demise of the state and social return" viewpoint and principle, depicts the outline of the relationship between state and society.
In the spray splashing in Ming accepted Marx's theory of the baptism of the China Communists have been searching the theory of the relationship between state and society. Political leaders have Chinese outstanding communist party in theory on the road to start a forest, inherited and creatively developed the idea of the relationship between Marx's state and society based on collective wisdom on the China of state of heavy Marx's thought of relationship between state and society is formed. This state map including the theoretical form and practice forms two patterns. The theoretical form is Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, thought of "relationship between the theoretical system of the important thought of Three Represents and Scientific Outlook on Development this rich nation and society. The core content of the above ideas, the basic framework and focus on the theory of rheological combing practice forms in the society. The relationship between the government and social organizations to clarify the practice in the construction of Marxism. "Metaphysical" state and society "for the evolution of relationship between the government and the social organization shape". The theory comes from practice and practice is higher than practice, the theory of "the origin of the material." the governance of the country by the government as the carrier of society the development of social organizations to rely on the government and social organizations. The reality of the relationship between state and society become a "realistic model".
The thesis consists of six chapters.
Chapter 1, introduction
This chapter mainly expounds the research background, the research purpose, the theoretical value and practical significance of the research, illustrates the research methods and logical framework structure, and makes relevant literature review and definition, clarifying the concept, and opening the curtain for ontology research.
The second chapter, classic creation: the theory of Marx doctrine on the relationship between state and society
This chapter from the perspective of the theory of history, Marx's theory about the relationship between state and society theory combing and interpretation. It is considered that the critique of Hagel on the relationship between civil society and political state. As a logical starting point, Marx Engels formed a relationship between their national science and social theory, including the theory of civil society, the idea of social thought and the national source of public management in the society and return to the society. After that, Lenin to defend and develop the study of the relationship between state and society the basic thought of Marx, including "national extinction" theory, social workers enjoy the highest power management and improve the living conditions of farmers and workers and a series of new ideas. On this basis, to further explore the Marx classical writers thought about the relationship between the state and society to give our enlightenment.
The third chapter, theoretical continuation: the relay of the Chinese Communists on the relationship between the state and the society
This chapter from the historical literature, reading embrace angle on several generations of outstanding Chinese Communist political leaders series high perspicacity about the relationship between state and society, including the people of Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping's concept of civil rights, democratic rights theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" party, country, social theory and Scientific Outlook on Development since sixteen on the social management issues a series of new thinking and exploration. The people of Mao Zedong the concept of civil rights is mainly reflected in three aspects: power source to belong to, and benefit the people, working methods and the mass line close to the people and concerned about the sufferings of the masses at stake regime's point of view. The three aspects of the democratic theory of public power mainly seen in Deng Xiaoping: for the mass organizations to correctly guide but not arranged thoughts; power to the masses and service ideas; no democracy is not With the socialist modernization thoughts. The important thought of "Three Represents" party, country, social theory as follows: follow the trend of the times to strengthen the party's ruling ability construction thought; new socialist political civilization construction period in the history of thought; people in power and the law of dialectical thought of Scientific Outlook on Development's new exploration of social management. The problem is embodied in: to strengthen social construction to improve people's livelihood; social management must always adhere to the people-oriented; improve the collaborative participation governance pattern of social management.
The fourth chapter, sample presentation: the Sinicization of Marx's theory of state and social relations
The Marx's theory about the relationship between the state and society the theoretical form and explains the logic, this chapter then turned to the Chinese reality state of the research on Marx's thought of the relationship between state and society. The theory of relationship of state and society, research on the relationship between the government and social organizations have obvious practical practice. Therefore, this chapter is based in Guangdong, an empirical study of the development of social organizations in recent years. Then, the research appears between the local government and social organizations in the context of reality has not yet established a relationship of trust to get rid of psychological barriers and good interaction between the conclusion by regression analysis method.
The fifth chapter, sample view: the force field game of the cooperative relationship between local government and social organization
With the traditional country above society and the resulting state with respect to the social development of single linear different point of view, Marx holds that the interests of the game between state and society is based on public power and the public power owner follow a path to return to the society from the evolution of social state, this is the inevitable development of history in the Marx doctrine. The interests of the game on the state and society view as the analysis foundation, this chapter mainly respond to such a question: the construction of local government cooperation and social organization relationship faces contain what dynamic support and resistance? The article thinks that the social organization of government failure correction force, due to the reform of cooperative relations the birth of force, the construction of service-oriented government cooperation response based on the public interests for the common goal of the partnership is to support and force fit To promote a strong driving force for constructing cooperation; mutual trust relationship between the local government and social organization two is far from established, the "total society" pattern is difficult to melt, the social organization's credibility crisis, system, interests and incentive problems must be tackled such problems is a great hindrance in constructing fragmented and containment relationship.
The sixth chapter, pattern trend: the path survey of the cooperation relationship between local government and social organization
From the two aspects of criticism of Hagel's philosophy of law in the civil society and political state ideology and conception on the form of future society reflects Marx's social concept. To restrict public right restriction of Marx's social public view and the construction of the new relationship between the state and society, in reality is to build local government and social organization relationship the joint efforts of the partnership. The building to local government and social organizations. As the local government, to make a positive and prudent choice, for the realization of cooperation include: the transformation of government management ideas, "prevention" is "standard"; sublation of the dual management system, establish the registration system; social crack the organization predicament, the government need to strengthen the management of wisdom; supervision of social organizations, and build five defense system. As a social organization, for the cooperation between the real Now we are making sincere and effective efforts, which are: lay a solid foundation, strengthen the credibility building, build a solid structure, improve self-organization system, enrich connotation, maintain independence, enrich relations and expand international contacts.



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