发布时间:2018-01-01 07:26
本文关键词:吉林省残疾儿童教育福利研究 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:残疾儿童是一个特殊的社会弱势群体,接受义务教育是他们的权利,同时也是他们的义务。但以吉林省为例,残疾儿童教育依然存在种种问题,这不仅关系到义务教育的落实和残疾人权利的保障,还是考量地方政府的公共管理是否准确有效的关键点。发展残疾人的教育事业应当把重点放在残疾儿童的义务教育上,它集中反映了社会的文明程度和教育公平性,对社会的稳定和谐起着至关重要作用。而且,残疾儿童教育能够关系到能否在保证残疾儿童基本生存条件的条件下,使他们真正享受到教育福利,分享到社会文明进步的成果,使他们更有自信心,,今后可以更好的融入社会大家庭,实现更大的人生价值。 本文主要以吉林省残疾儿童团体和家庭为研究对象,分别对吉林省残疾儿童的受教育情况、教育康复福利以及其对教育福利的其他需求情况进行整理分析,力图客观、真实的反映我省在残疾儿童教育中仍然存在的不足,针对我省残疾儿童教育体制与资源效益不成比例、政府专项拨款缺口较大、残疾儿童家长家庭认知感低、社会化教育体系不健全、政府未能形成长效机制等的问题。通过对国内、外有效法律法规的借鉴及各地成功经验的推广实施,探讨性地提出改进我国残疾儿童教育福利的一些建议。 残疾儿童的教育福利是多元的,其多元性主要体现在政府责任、家庭参与、社会力量和社区的共同支持与参与。残疾儿童教育福利的实施,重点是要在保障残疾儿童教育的基础性、广泛性之上,加强残疾儿童教育体系的连贯性、稳定性、特殊性特征,逐步建立起以国家政府为主导,家庭、社区为辅助,社会力量为有益补充的完整残疾儿童教育福利体系。这样才能达到逐步完善残疾儿童的受教育权利,进而不断推动残疾人事业和谐有序的发展,最终早日实现“平等、参与、共享”的中国梦。
[Abstract]:Children with disabilities are a special social vulnerable group , compulsory education is their rights and their obligations . However , in Jilin Province , there are still a variety of problems in the education of disabled children , which not only relates to the implementation of compulsory education and the guarantee of the rights of disabled persons , but also considers whether the public administration of the local government is accurate and effective . This paper mainly focuses on the research objects of disabled children ' s groups and families in Jilin Province . It tries to analyze the educational situation , educational rehabilitation welfare and other needs of children with disabilities in Jilin Province . In order to objectively and truly reflect the shortage of the educational system and resources benefit of children with disabilities in our province , the government has failed to form long - term mechanism . Through the reference of domestic and foreign effective laws and regulations and the popularization of successful experiences in various places , some suggestions are put forward to improve the education welfare of children with disabilities in China . The education well - being of children with disabilities is pluralistic , and its diversity is mainly reflected in the common support and participation of government responsibility , family participation , social power and community . The implementation of education and welfare of children with disabilities is mainly based on ensuring the continuity , stability and particularity of the education system of children with disabilities , so as to gradually perfect the education welfare system of children with disabilities , thus continuously promoting the harmonious and orderly development of disabled children ' s cause , and finally realizing the Chinese dream of " equality , participation and sharing " .
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