本文关键词:边境旅游试验区建设的战略思维 出处:《云南社会科学》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 边境旅游试验区 战略思维 主要思路 总体定位 建设内容
[Abstract]:The frontier tourism experimental area is a relatively recent government-driven behavior, and the research on its academic rationality is rare. In view of this problem, this paper analyzes the background and conditions of the construction of the border tourism experimental area in China. From the perspective of diachronic interpretation of the border tourism pilot area construction process, the relevant policies have certain practical guiding significance. The background and condition of the construction is that the strategy of opening to the outside world moves from the coastal areas to the inland border areas in China. The driving effect and comprehensive function of border tourism are gradually highlighted in the new period, the new situation of tourism development strategy and form. The main development direction of the frontier tourism pilot area should be the construction of a new tourism area with the functions of national culture display, ecological environment protection and economic radiation, and a deep experience area of the customs and customs of the ethnic minorities in the border areas. Green eco-tourism demonstration area, border tourism radiation center and distribution center; The main construction contents should focus on policy integration, system innovation, global public services, industrial convergence, spatial structure shaping, border tourism towns and village construction, upgrading of business forms and products, projects and enterprise construction. International cooperation and tourism supervision.
【作者单位】: 云南财经大学旅游文化产业研究院;云南财经大学;云南师范大学;
【正文快照】: (1)Timothy D.J.Borderlands:An Unlikely Tourist Destination?.IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin,2000,57-65.(2)Saxena G,Ilbery B.Developing integrated rural tourism:Actor practices in the English/Welsh border☆.Journal of Rural Studies,2010,26(3):260-271.
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