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发布时间:2018-05-15 09:25

  本文选题:城市管理 + 综合执法 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:城市的出现,,是人类社会生产力发展到一定历史阶段的必然结果,是人类文明发展到高级阶段的表现形态。随着市场经济的高速发展,城市规模在不断扩大,与此同时随着居民生活质量的提高,对城市管理的要求也在不断提高。城市管理综合执法实践中的行政纠纷也逐渐的显露出来,并且在一定程度上阻碍了城市管理综合执法工作的有效开展,甚至在一定程度上阻碍了经济社会的发展。 城市发展是当今社会经济发展的一个主旋律,其视觉载体表现为城市市容有序,良好的城市市容、生活环境,折射出一个城市的品位和形象。但是,城管执法一直处于社会矛盾的风口浪尖,许多热、难点问题都与城管工作相关联,执法实践中不可避免的要涉及到行政纠纷案件。 在现代公共管理实践中,行政纠纷调解机制又是人民群众合法表达利益的一种重要方式;同时更是公共管理科学化与民主化的重要表现,具有重要现实意义。实际上,在公共管理实践中,行政纠纷调解水平反映了一个国家的行政法治建设的发展水平,行政纠纷调解机制是否健全,受案范围是否合理直接反映了一个城市处理行政纠纷的城市管理水平。 如何在管理中促进环境优化、促进竞争力提升、促进经济发展,充分体现“三分建、七分管”,健全城市管理综合执法行政纠纷调解机制相关法律法规、创新城市管理方法是解决城市管理综合执法行政纠纷案件、提升城市和谐程度、提高城市管理水平的关键。笔者以工作经验为参考,对现阶段创新城市管理综合执法管理方法提出了对策。
[Abstract]:The emergence of the city is the inevitable result of the development of the human society's productive forces to a certain historical stage. It is the manifestation of the development of human civilization to the advanced stage. With the rapid development of the market economy, the scale of the city is expanding. At the same time, with the improvement of the living quality of the residents, the demand for urban management is also increasing. The administrative disputes in the practice of comprehensive law enforcement have gradually emerged, and to some extent hindered the effective development of the comprehensive law enforcement work of urban management, and even to some extent hindered the development of the economy and society.
Urban development is a main theme of social and economic development. Its visual carrier is the city's orderly city, good city capacity and living environment, which reflects the taste and image of a city. However, the law enforcement of urban management is always at the tip of the social contradiction. Many hot and difficult problems are related to the work of city management and the practice of law enforcement. It is inevitable that an administrative dispute should be involved.
In the practice of modern public management, the mediation mechanism of administrative disputes is an important way for the people to express their interests legally. At the same time, it is also an important manifestation of the scientific and democratization of public management. In fact, in the practice of public administration, the level of administrative rectification and mediation reflects the administrative rule of law in a country. The level of development, whether the administrative dispute mediation mechanism is sound, and whether the scope of the case is reasonable directly reflects the city management level of a city dealing with administrative disputes.
How to promote the environment optimization in the management, promote the competitiveness promotion, promote the economic development, fully embody the "three sub construction, seven division", perfect the relevant laws and regulations of the administrative dispute mediation mechanism of the urban management comprehensive law enforcement, the innovation of the urban management method is to solve the administrative dispute cases of the comprehensive management of urban management, improve the degree of urban harmony and improve the city. The key to the management level of the city is the author. Based on his work experience, the author puts forward some countermeasures for the comprehensive management of law enforcement in this stage.



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