本文选题:食品安全 + 公共危机 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:食品是人们维持生存和发展的最基本物质资料,是保障人类健康的基础。食品质量既关系到每个人的生命健康和家庭幸福,又关乎国计民生。因此,与我们每个人的生活都息息相关的食品安全问题,作为最基本的民生问题,其重要性毋庸置疑。当前,我国正处于经济转轨和社会转型的背景之下,社会的蓬勃发展,经济的空前繁荣在全球有目共睹。然而,也无法规避高效益带来的高风险。大到社会,小至企业都面临着各类潜伏性和突发性的矛盾与问题,以致诱发了不同程度的各类公共危机事件。纵观发生的各类公共危机,食品安全危机的发生频率和负面影响范围均居于首位,成为了国内最突出的民生问题。特别是近年来屡禁不止的毒奶粉、地沟油、假羊肉等一系列重大食品安全事故,令人发指。不可否认的是,我国的食品安全形势十分严峻,强化食品安全非常态化管理工作已刻不容缓。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,如果对接连出现的食品安全危机事件不加以足够的重视,必然会对公众的切身利益,对市场经济的良性发展,乃至对国家的安定和谐产生极大的破坏作用。基于这些考虑,对于处在经济和社会深刻变革关键期的中国来说,应该怎样平稳有效地应对各类食品安全危机事件,又该如何构建符合我国国情的食品安全危机管理机制是亟需认真解决的重要课题。 回顾近些年国内已经发生的一些特重大食品安全危机事件不难发现,这些事件在一定程度上暴露出了我国政府在食品安全危机管理体制上的弊端和不足。国内严峻的食品安全现状,一方面考验着政府的管理智慧,另一方面也拷问公共管理人员的应对能力。当危机的发生不可绝对地避免时,加强食品安全危机管理理论与实践研究,优化政府食品安全监管体系,实施科学有效的食品安全危机应对机制,对于从制度上治理食品安全问题具有极其重大的理论与现实意义。 本文基于危机管理的视角,运用案例分析法、比较分析法,逻辑分析法等研究方法,围绕食品安全这一经济发展中的核心命题,从理论研究、实证分析、体系构建、对策探索等不同角度进行较为充分的论述。与此同时,还借鉴了美国、欧盟等发达国家和地区食品安全监管工作的经验,构建了符合我国国情的食品安全危机管理体制,为建设与完善我国食品安全危机治理体系提出合理、可行的对策措施。 全文共分为六个部分: 第一章对本文的选题背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法及主要创新点等内容进行了阐述。第二章本文的理论基础,主要是对与食品安全危机管理机制有关的概念进行梳理,明确了与本文相关的理论依据。第三章深入分析我国食品安全危机管理的现状及突出问题。第四章学习借鉴西方发达国家和地区政府食品安全危机管理的成功经验。第五章针对食品安全危机管理的薄弱环节,提出完善我国食品安全危机管理的措施。第六章结论与展望。从宏观角度概括出了论文的研究结论及不足之处。
[Abstract]:Food is the basic material material for the survival and development of people and the foundation of ensuring human health. The quality of food is not only related to everyone's life and health and family happiness, but also to the national economy and the people's livelihood. Therefore, food safety, which is closely related to the life of each of us, is of great importance as the most basic livelihood issues. At present, our country is under the background of economic transition and social transformation, the flourishing development of the society and the unprecedented prosperity of the economy are obvious to all in the world. However, it is impossible to avoid the high risk brought by high efficiency. Throughout the various public crises, the frequency and the negative impact of the food safety crisis are the most important issues in the country. Especially in recent years, a series of major food safety accidents, such as poisoned milk powder, gutter oil and fake mutton, are undeniable. The food safety situation in China is very serious. It is urgent to strengthen the management of food safety. It is no time to be cold. If we do not pay enough attention to the emergency food safety crisis, it will certainly benefit the public, the good development of the market economy, and even the stability and harmony of the country. On the basis of these considerations, how to cope with all kinds of food safety crisis and how to build a food safety crisis management mechanism which is in line with our national conditions is an important issue to be seriously solved for China, which is in the key period of economic and social profound changes.
It is not difficult to find out some major food safety crisis events that have occurred in China in recent years. These events have exposed the shortcomings and shortcomings of the government in the food safety crisis management system to some extent. The serious domestic food safety situation in China, on the one hand, tested the management wisdom of the government, and on the other hand, it interrogates the public. When the crisis can not be avoided absolutely, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the theory and practice of food safety crisis management, to optimize the government food safety supervision system and to implement a scientific and effective coping mechanism of food safety crisis.
Based on the perspective of crisis management, this paper makes use of case analysis, comparative analysis, logic analysis and other research methods, focusing on the core proposition of the economic development of food safety, from the different angles of theoretical research, empirical analysis, system construction, countermeasure exploration and so on. At the same time, we also learn from the United States, the European Union and other hair. According to the experience of the national and regional food safety supervision work, the food safety crisis management system is set up in accordance with the national conditions of our country, and the reasonable and feasible countermeasures are put forward for the construction and improvement of the food safety crisis management system in China.
The full text is divided into six parts:
The first chapter describes the background, research significance, domestic and foreign research status, research methods and main innovation points. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of this paper, mainly combing the concepts related to the food safety crisis management mechanism, and clarifies the theoretical basis related to this article. The third chapter analyzes the Chinese food in depth. The fourth chapter is to learn from the successful experience of food safety crisis management in western developed countries and regions. The fifth chapter puts forward measures to improve the crisis management of food safety in China. The sixth chapter and the prospect of food safety crisis management are summarized. The research conclusions and shortcomings of this paper.
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