[Abstract]:Service-oriented government has become the basic goal and direction of promoting the reform of administrative system in China. To construct a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation model of online administrative approval, we should learn from the relatively mature performance evaluation model of western countries and effectively combine the target model of service-oriented government in our country at the same time. Therefore, this paper thinks that the performance evaluation of online administrative examination and approval should fit effectively with the essential attribute of service-oriented government and embody the value orientation of "public standard". Based on the theory of democratic administration and the theory of new public management, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis and practical basis of online administrative examination and approval, defines the main body of performance evaluation of online administrative approval, and on the basis of referring to the relevant research at home and abroad, A performance evaluation model of online administrative approval based on public satisfaction is constructed. The model includes five variables: security / privacy, trust, usability, public service awareness, and public service quality. Then, this paper hypothesizes the relationship between the variables that affect the public satisfaction, and takes Wuhan government service center website as the object to carry on the empirical analysis. Finally, the empirical results show that availability, public service awareness, public service quality significantly affect public satisfaction, but security / privacy, trust is not significant. Based on this, some practical suggestions on the development of China's online administrative examination and approval service website are put forward, including improving the service attitude of the government, enhancing the interaction between the government and the public, meeting the basic needs of the public from the public's point of view; Efforts to increase publicity, improve the image of service; strengthen the construction of supporting laws and regulations system.
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