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发布时间:2018-11-03 09:31
[Abstract]:Social management innovation is a kind of practical activity of social management innovation. The purpose is to ensure the normal operation of society, reduce social contradictions, realize social fairness, improve social efficiency and promote social harmony. The innovation of social management originates from the need of social management in the transitional period. It is necessary to resolve the social contradictions through the cooperation between the multiple subjects of the society and to realize good governance to ensure the benign operation of the society. Social organization is a kind of organizational, folk, autonomous and non-profit organization. It is a kind of organizational innovation and institutional innovation made by human beings to deal with government failure and market failure. It is the result of the change of government management concept. The rise of social organization broke the dual pattern of government-market and promoted the development of economy and society. Social organization gradually became one of the main forces to participate in social management. In recent years, the cooperation between social organizations and enterprises has become a new mode of inter-departmental cooperation, and has produced a large number of valuable practical results. The cooperative participation of social organizations and enterprises in social management innovation is based on synergy theory, new public management theory and corporate social responsibility theory. The concept of market competition and efficiency is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The participation enthusiasm of enterprises in public welfare and the unique advantages of social organizations urge enterprises to carry out effective cooperation with social organizations. The awakening of corporate social responsibility consciousness promotes the enthusiasm of cooperation between enterprises and social organizations. The main forms of cooperation between social organizations and enterprises are financial assistance, technical support, service donation, social enterprises and so on. At present, there are many problems and difficulties faced by social organizations and enterprises in participating in social management innovation, including the limitations of social organizations themselves, the imperfections of relevant laws and regulations, The weak sense of corporate social responsibility and the lack of the concept of cooperation between social organizations and enterprises, the lack of guidance and incentive mechanism, the insufficient communication and communication, and so on. In order to promote the cooperation between social organizations and enterprises in the innovation of social management, the government should vigorously develop all kinds of social organizations, enhance the autonomy of social organizations, and enhance the credibility of social organizations. Forming a benign interaction mechanism with enterprises; From the aspect of enterprises, we should improve our own sense of social responsibility, introduce social responsibility into the strategic planning of enterprises, actively engage in public welfare undertakings, and increase communication with social organizations; From the point of view of the relationship between the two sides, it is necessary to enhance the conscious consciousness of cooperation, to seek the consensus of interests of cooperation, and to constantly innovate the realization form of cooperation; From the point of view of the government, it is necessary to position the government function rationally, and to promote the cooperation between social organizations and enterprises by perfecting laws and regulations and providing policy, fund, service and so on.


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