[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern network technology driven by the information revolution, the concepts of network public opinion and network public opinion came into being. On March 5, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council put forward the concept of "Internet" for the first time in the government work report. Based on Internet information technology, with computers and mobile intelligent terminals as the carrier, Weibo, WeChat, QQ and other interactive platforms as the "micro-era" has arrived. Information transmission in micro-era is characterized by real-time interaction, convenience and openness in colleges and universities, diversification in content of public opinion on the network, superficial appearance, group in form, fragmentation, root of the subject of public opinion in network. Network public opinion makes the statistical analysis of the increased difficulty. In the micro-era, the international and domestic situation is complex, the development of Internet technology is not balanced, and the guidance and control of network public opinion is faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As the functional department of social public management, it is urgent for the government to systematically analyze network public opinion, guide and control network public opinion, and maintain network security.
【作者单位】: 湖南警察学院;
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