[Abstract]:Postal administration is an important way for customs to carry out national policy. It is closely related to foreign affairs, nationality, religion, United front and so on, and the situation is complicated. With the rapid growth of postal services, the security of cross-border mail channels has been paid more and more attention by the state and customs. At the same time, it can control the illegal behavior of the mail channel, establish the good image of the customs and the country, and become the difficulty of the customs supervision in the new period. Moreover, with the expansion of the non-traditional functions of the Customs, the postal service scene is aimed at drugs, prohibited printed matter, audio and video products, cultural relics, religious supplies, endangered animals and plants, nuclear substances, biological and chemical explosives, firearms and ammunition, small wireless transceiver equipment, Confidential documents, as well as other types of easy-to-carry, easy-to-send restricted items management responsibilities continue to increase. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the function orientation and future development direction of China Customs' current work with new strategic thinking, and to put forward the research of Customs Post Administration and National Security guarantee in the new period. In view of this, according to the public management theory, criminology theory and national security theory, this study uses interdisciplinary research methods, comparative research methods, and so on, taking the existing problems and the current situation of customs postal administration as the starting point. This paper analyzes the concrete manifestation and the root cause of the hidden trouble of national security in the supervision of customs mail, and probes into the ways and measures to realize the national security guarantee in the supervision of customs mail in our country through the reference of the advanced management experience of foreign countries. The full text from the following five parts, the first part is from the current situation of customs stamp control, the overall elaboration of the current customs stamp control problems; The second part is from the transnational drug crime, the international terrorism, endangers the ecological environment phenomenon, the anti-China ideology infiltration and so on angle, elaborated the cross-border postal channel national security hidden danger concrete manifestation; The third part is from the customs internal constraints and external factors from the two aspects of the comprehensive analysis of customs postal supervision and control of the reasons for the existence of national security risks; The fourth part is to introduce the advanced foreign customs supervision experience and system, analyze the specific role of these methods in maintaining national security, as the basis of the measures to be used for reference by the Chinese customs; The fifth part studies the ways to realize the customs postal administration and national security, analyzes the specific methods that may be adopted or has been adopted within the scope of the customs authority, and the specific role of these methods in maintaining national security, and puts forward the design and control policy measures. Further crack down and guard against the existence of national security in customs mail control. Finally, the author makes a comprehensive arrangement of the viewpoints, measures and methods put forward in this paper, defines the maximum efficiency of the policy principles and institutional methods put forward in the paper, as well as the possible disadvantages and defects, and puts forward further prospects.
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