本文选题:反恐 切入点:维稳 出处:《国防科学技术大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The functional tasks of the Armed Police Force determine the non-war use of military force in most of the practical activities in peacetime, especially in the context of the rising non-traditional threat of terrorism in today's world. The Armed Police Force must focus on its new historical mission and successfully complete its anti-terrorist surprise mission. In view of this, The main research work of this paper can be summarized as follows: 3 points: 1) through the actual situation and command system of the maintenance and stability health service support of a certain armed police department in Tibet region, the organization and organization can be summarized as follows. Based on the research of supply chain and training, this paper objectively analyzes the problems faced by a certain department of armed police in Tibetan health support: the command system of maintenance and stability is not perfect, the organizational system of maintenance and stability is to be improved, the supply chain of maintenance and stability is not complete, In view of its objective problems, the paper puts forward the solution of the armed police force in the sudden maintenance of the Tibetan area, and establishes a new mode of maintenance and stability support: establishing an efficient command system of the maintenance and stability of the medical service; Establish a perfect level of stability to ensure the health care organization, establish a standardized process of supply chain system; Strengthen the research and training of maintenance and stability support. Take the case of the "3-14" incident in Tibet as an example, apply a new mode of maintaining stable health service support through the medical support of a certain armed police department stationed in Tibet and the needs of officers and men for medical support. In order to ensure the successful completion of the task of maintaining stability of the armed police force in Tibet, this paper hopes to find out the problems existing in the maintenance and stability of a certain department of the Armed Police Force in Tibet, and put forward a decision reference with strong pertinence in order to ensure the successful completion of the task of maintaining stability of the armed police force in the Tibetan area.
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