本文关键词: 本溪展览中心 大跨度楼板体系 步行荷载 舒适度 出处:《沈阳建筑大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:现代工程结构逐渐向大跨、轻、柔的方向发展,人活动引起结构的振动越来越显著,这种振动往往不足以为结构带来安全性问题,但是常常会给身处结构中的人带来不适感,出现紧张甚至恐慌心理,降低了工作、居住质量,影响了人们的正常生活,即所谓的舒适度问题。 人类活动产生的荷载是可能引起结构舒适度问题一个重要因素。包括跳跃荷载、步行荷载或者其他一些特殊运动产生的瞬时荷载形式。本文以本溪·药都展览中心实际工程为原型,针对其实际使用情况进行了楼板舒适度方面的分析。 根据实际工程的需要,考虑到会展中心主要以展览为主,人群的步行荷载成为了能够引起结构振动的主要方式。文章专门针对步行荷载引起的大跨度楼板振动舒适度问题,进行了大量分析。 楼板舒适度可以参考的标准每个国家都不尽相同,本文按照其中最严格的标准进行评价,即结构自振频率fn3Hz,振动最大加速度限值ap0.005g。同时使用三种方法对会展中心楼板自振频率和振动加速度进行计算,分别为公式计算、SAP2000有限元分析和MIDAS/Gen有限元分析。 在公式计算中,通过对结构力学、结构动力学以及其他国内外实验所得数据的整理分析,推导出适合本工程舒适度分析的计算方法。计算模型选取了会展中心的最大柱网尺寸,计算结果显示楼板的竖向自振频率和最大加速度峰值均满足国际标准要求。 然后使用SAP2000建立结构模型,通过稳态分析可以找到结构中的不利振动点、即在某个频率下达到最大位移的点。并在该点施加相同频率的步行动力荷载,可以得到其在共振频率步行荷载作用下的加速度时程曲线,曲线的最大值即为该点(或结构)的峰值加速度。同时,在第四章的内容中对于时程荷载函数模型计算做了详细的介绍。 最后使用MIDAS/Gen建立结构模型,相对于SAP2000模型不同之处在于,模型中使用板单元建立了弹性楼板的模型,并进行时程分析。整理以上三种分析方式得出的结果,均符合楼板舒适度的国际标准。 经过对比三种分析方式的结果,得到本溪·药都展览中心在步行荷载作用下产生振动响应形式的相关结论。参考国际舒适度标准要求,验证了其在使用过程中不会出现舒适度方面的问题。
[Abstract]:Modern engineering structures gradually develop towards the direction of long span, light and soft. The vibration caused by human activities is becoming more and more obvious, which is often not enough to bring safety problems for the structure. But it often brings discomfort to the people in the structure, even panic psychology, reduces the work, living quality, and affects people's normal life, that is, the so-called comfort problem. The load generated by human activities is an important factor which may cause the problem of structural comfort, including jumping load. Taking the actual project of Benxi 路Yandu Exhibition Center as the prototype, this paper analyzes the comfort of floor slab according to the actual use of the walking load or some other instantaneous loads caused by special movement. According to the actual needs of the project, taking into account that the exhibition center mainly focus on the exhibition. The walking load of the crowd has become the main way to cause the vibration of the structure. In this paper, the problem of vibration comfort of the large-span floor caused by the walking load is analyzed. The standard of floor comfort can be referred to varies from country to country. In this paper, the structure natural vibration frequency fn3Hz is evaluated according to the strictest criterion. The maximum vibration acceleration limit ap0.005g. at the same time, three methods are used to calculate the natural vibration frequency and vibration acceleration of the floor slab of the Convention and Exhibition Center, respectively. SAP2000 finite element analysis and MIDAS/Gen finite element analysis. In the formula calculation, the structural mechanics, structural dynamics and other experimental data at home and abroad are analyzed. The calculation method suitable for the comfort analysis of the project is deduced. The maximum column size of the conference and exhibition center is selected in the calculation model. The results show that the vertical natural vibration frequency and the maximum acceleration peak of the floor meet the requirements of international standards. Then SAP2000 is used to build the structural model and the unfavorable vibration point in the structure can be found by steady-state analysis. That is to say, the point with the maximum displacement at a certain frequency and applying the same frequency of walking dynamic load at that point, the acceleration time history curve can be obtained under the action of the resonance frequency walking load. The maximum value of the curve is the peak acceleration of the point (or structure). At the same time, the calculation of the time-history load function model is introduced in detail in Chapter 4th. Finally, MIDAS/Gen is used to build the structure model. Compared with the SAP2000 model, the elastic floor model is built by using the plate element in the model. The results obtained from the above three analysis methods are all in line with the international standards of floor comfort. By comparing the results of three kinds of analysis methods, we get the conclusion that Benxi 路Yadu Exhibition Center produces vibration response form under the action of walking load. It is verified that there is no problem of comfort in the process of use.
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