[Abstract]:If we look at the world today, it is clear that we are already surrounded by contemporary culture, in an age of rapid scientific and technological development. For art aesthetics, it is a period of extreme diversity and complexity. Throughout the history of human art, it is not difficult to find that the development of art is closely related to the development of science and technology. The choice and application of new media technology in art creation is the symbol of the renewal of the means of contemporary art creation. Today, artists no longer confine themselves to a particular painting technique. Moreover, today's works of art, which have certain artistic influence, are no longer framed paintings created by the ideas and feelings of traditional art, and artists are more in need of their thematic ideas and the objective conditions of the exhibition environment. To find a new way to combine science and technology with subject material, and then to create works of art that are inextricably linked to many new media means, such as network projects, computer media, virtual technology, etc. The derivative of this new media works of art has gradually become the mainstream of contemporary art. There is no doubt that the addition of new media technology to the field of art has brought new changes to the arts, opened up the space for communication of the arts, so that we can feel that art seems to be around, so, The connotation and extension of the deep interlacing of new media art is an inevitable trend to conform to the times. The emphasis of this thesis is to analyze the application of new media art in contemporary print art creation in the context of new media art through the research of new media art, and to combine the creative practice of contemporary artists. This paper expounds the advantages of the contemporary print creation with the new media art means compared with the traditional print creation, and deeply considers the influence of the new media art means on the print art Noumenon language. This paper affirms the help of the new media art means to convey its artistic idea to the printmaking artists, at the same time, points out the deficiency of the new media art means in the contemporary printmaking art creation, and finally points out the future development trend of the contemporary printmaking art creation. That is, the combination of contemporary print art creation and new media art means has undoubtedly brought new vitality to print art, and it is also an important way for contemporary printmaking artists to embody their artistic concept and realize their artistic creation. However, it is not the only way that we should grasp the direction, explore, develop and enrich the printmaking art on the basis of the Noumenon language of the printmaking art, which is the way to the sustainable development of the contemporary printmaking art.
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