【关键词】:文化视角 文化影响力 品牌 星巴克研究案例
- Acknowledgement6-8
- Abstract8-9
- 摘要9-13
- Chapter 1:Introduction13-27
- 1.1 Background of the Study13-23
- 1.1.1 Chinese Coffee Customer Market Economic Overview14-16
- 1.1.2 The Background of Starbucks Coffee16-18
- 1.1.3 Starbucks Development in China18
- 1.1.4 Social and Cultural Environment18-19
- 1.1.5 The Brand and Brand Loyalty19-23
- 1.3 The Significance of This Research23-24
- 1.4 Research Method24
- 1.5 The Problem Statement24-25
- 1.6 Research Objectives, Research Questions25
- 1.7 Thesis Structure25-27
- Chapter 2:Litterature Review27-44
- 2.1 Culture27-36
- 2.1.1 The Definition of Culture27-28
- 2.1.2 Culture and Marketing28
- 2.1.3 Cultural Frameworks28-29
- 2.1.4 Discussion of the Cultural Frameworks29-31
- 2.1.5 Cultural Dimensions31-35
- 2.1.6 Hofstede's Typology of Culture35-36
- 2.3 Chinese Customer Behavior (Economical view)36-39
- 2.4 Coffee Buying Behavior39-40
- 2.5 Chinese Customer Decision-Making40-41
- 2.6 Coffee culture & Tea culture (Sociological view)41-44
- 2.6.1 Background and Evolution of Coffee Culture41
- 2.6.2 Traditional Tea Culture41-42
- 2.6.3 Conclusion42-44
- CHAPTER 3:Theorical Framework44-54
- 3.1 The Chinese Culture and Consumption of Foreign Brand44-47
- 3.1.1 The Modern Chinese Culture and Consumption of Foreign Brand45-47
- 3.1.2 Perception of Foreign Brands47
- 3.2 Overview of Brand Loyalty47-54
- 3.2.1 Generation Y and Brand Loyalty49-50
- 3.2.2 Conceptual Framework50-54
- Chapter 4:Research design and Methodology54-60
- 4.1 Research Design54
- 4.2 Data Collection54-55
- 4.3 Data Sources55-56
- 4.3.1 Secondary data55
- 4.3.2 Primary data55-56
- 4.4 SampIe Population56
- 4.5 Questionnaire Design56-57
- 4.6 Data Analysis57-58
- 4.7 Correlation Analysis58
- 4.8 Regression Analysis58-60
- Chapter 5:Finding and Data Analysis60-72
- 5.1 Personal information of participants60-69
- 5.1.2 Customer's opinions and evaluation63-69
- 5.2 Inferential Statistics-Correlation and Regression Analysis69-72
- 5.2.1 Correlation Between Variables69-71
- 5.2.2 Summary of the Findings and Analysis71-72
- Chapter 6:Conclusion Managerial Implications72-77
- 6.1 Conclusion72-74
- 6.2 Managerial Implications74-75
- 6.3 Limitations and Recommendations75-77
- References77-82
- Appendix:Questionnaire Survey82-86
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前4条
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2 Boba Taleb;文化对中国大学生咖啡市场品牌忠诚的影响研究[D];华中师范大学;2016年
3 Jonathan Vega-Castillo;[D];苏州大学;2014年
4 李炜炜;“精品咖啡豆认证与公平交易及庄园标准化国际论坛”口译实践报告[D];云南师范大学;2015年