[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's living standards and the further improvement of catering demand, the catering industry has entered the 21 century, the scale of the rapid development of geometric progression, at the same time, the competition is inevitable to the degree of intensification. At present, the main problem in front of the catering industry is that the phenomenon of product homogeneity is serious, so it can not meet the needs of consumers' new personalized experience. For enterprises, how to compete in the white-hot market, Obtaining competitive advantage and being invincible naturally becomes a marketing problem that must be studied seriously by catering enterprises. Based on this situation and based on the theory of customer transfer value, this paper uses the new marketing concept of experience marketing to study the experience marketing of catering enterprises, so it has a strong practical significance. The theory of customer delivery value clarifies that the competitive advantage of an enterprise originates from the customer delivery value provided by the product. To the catering enterprises, it is necessary to improve the customer value of the food and beverage products and reduce the customer cost of the food and beverage products at the same time. Experience marketing theory requires enterprises to attach great importance to the experience of consumers, specifically to catering enterprises, experience itself is an inherent important characteristics of catering enterprises, throughout the whole food consumption process, It is a typical experience process for customers to enjoy catering service. Therefore, experience marketing has a natural relationship with catering industry. Catering enterprises must satisfy different customers' differential experience needs through a series of experience marketing methods. Only in this way can we realize the value of customer transfer and gain the competitive advantage. In this paper, the author first elaborated the theory of customer transfer value and experience marketing, then combined with the characteristics of catering industry, integrated the two theories into the catering enterprise experience marketing process, in order to face the fierce competition. It can provide beneficial guidance for catering enterprises to carry out experience marketing, and then provide some direction for the healthy development of catering industry. To the content of this paper, firstly, the theory of customer transfer value and the theory of experience marketing are elaborated in detail, then the conceptual model of this paper is constructed, and then the empirical research is carried out.
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