本文关键词: 农业上市企业 人力资本 人力资本投资 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the increasing of China's economy, the pace of agricultural modernization needs to be quickened. The development of agricultural modernization must be driven by innovation, and talent is the foundation of innovation. Agricultural listed enterprises are the medium to connect human capital and market. Enterprises can automatically identify high-quality agricultural human capital that meets the needs of the market. And "precise" guiding the direction of human capital investment. At present, most of the research achievements of human capital investment theory in our country include education, training, health and migration. However, most of the investment subjects are limited to the government and lack of research on the human capital investment of the new management subject. Although the human capital investment does have positive effect on the agricultural development, the efficiency of the human capital investment is low at present. Domestic scholars pay more and more attention to the investment of agricultural human capital, but the investment means are lack of professionalism, and most of them have evolved into inclusive policies. The investment target is focused on the talents in the agricultural industry, not on the rural labor force, which clarifies the professional nature of the agricultural human capital. By exploring the contribution of human capital investment of agricultural listed enterprises to enterprise performance, the supply-side structure of agricultural human capital investment suitable for agricultural listed enterprises is put forward. Based on this background, this paper studies the following contents: first of all, By reading the relevant literature, the author defines the concept of human capital investment in agricultural listed enterprises, and defines the human capital, human capital investment and enterprise human capital investment. After sorting out the classification, the author finds that under the environment of loose agricultural policy, the historical performance of agricultural listed enterprises is still relatively negative. Secondly, The author collates the data of 46 agricultural listed enterprises' annual report in 2015 and calculates the related human capital and human capital investment index, and carries on the descriptive statistical analysis to these indicators. It is found that the scale of agricultural listed enterprises in our country is the largest in individual enterprises, and that most of the enterprises are small in size. In terms of human capital, the investment structure is unreasonable and the investment intensity is insufficient. Again, Through the empirical analysis of the least square estimation, the author finds that the education level, the investment of entrepreneur human capital and the sum level of short-term salary have positive effect on the enterprise performance. Due to the high proportion of the production human capital stock which is weak value-added in the agricultural listed enterprises at present, the number of employees on the job has a negative effect on the enterprise performance. Finally, in view of the above analysis results, The structural reform of human capital investment in agricultural listed enterprises should pay attention to the following points: in the structure of investment, we should increase the investment of entrepreneur human capital and technical human capital, and pay more attention to on-the-job investment in content selection. This includes on-the-job education and on-the-job training, and should reduce the number of employees, especially the number of production, in the selection of scale.
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