本文关键词: 财政改革 财政政策 赤字率 出处:《经济纵横》2017年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The new round of financial reform in China has four characteristics: first, to advance comprehensively; second, to cope with the test of the market economy; third, to cope with the great change in the pattern of economic development; and fourth, to cope with the great change in the pattern of social development. At present, the new round of financial reform is in the budget. Significant progress has been made in the tax system and the financial system, but the short-term and long-term interests, the overall interests and the group interests, The balance between fiscal reform and other reforms is still a difficult issue for fiscal reform. In the future, efforts should also be made to solve the following problems: in the area of budget reform, how to continue to implement active fiscal policies is the primary issue. At the same time, we should deepen the reform of budget performance management, in the aspect of tax system reform, we should pay attention to the adjustment of the interests of various interest groups in the society. In the early stage of the tax reform, we should adjust the distribution relationship between the government and enterprises, such as value-added tax, resource tax, environmental tax, etc. The next step of the reform involves the adjustment of the tax burden of all social groups, the core question is who pays for the public goods, and in the aspect of the reform of the financial system, we should push forward the reform of the division of power and expenditure responsibility and the division of income.
【作者单位】: 中国财政科学研究院;
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