本文选题:采购风险 切入点:风险管控 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The trend of global integration has made the trade cooperation between countries become closer and closer. This trend has changed the competitive pattern of large engineering management companies both at home and abroad. H Company is a multinational engineering management company. After entering China, we succeeded in undertaking large-scale domestic engineering projects in combination with our own engineering and technical advantages. Although H Company has many technical advantages in the fields of mining and smelting and chemical industry, its engineering construction has a large scale and a high level of technology. But in the process of complex project construction, in order to obtain better project income, According to several project cost plans in recent years, the total purchase amount of materials and equipment for a single metallurgical construction project has accounted for the total investment of the project. More than 50%. The leverage benefit of the high proportion of purchasing cost is more and more prominent in the engineering project. When implementing the management of the single project construction project, Procurement risk control has gradually become a key factor for the final success of the whole project. At the same time, from the perspective of the company's business strategy development, In order to maintain a lasting competitive advantage with other well-known engineering companies in an increasingly competitive market, the management of .H Company is increasingly relying on the risks in the procurement process. In recent years, the management of the company has paid more and more attention to the control of procurement risks in engineering projects. However, there are many obstacles in implementing risk control due to the lack of effective methods and means. Through the analysis of this paper, we can understand that the main procurement risks in engineering projects of H Company come from the supply risks with suppliers. The comprehensive quality of suppliers is weak, It leads to a series of engineering problems, such as delay of delivery, substandard of project quality, frequent change of project and so on. Therefore, through the combination of theoretical research and practical project, this paper is assisted by reasonable management tools. It is hoped to construct a procurement risk assessment system suitable for H company projects. When selecting suppliers, it not only provides H company with scientific evaluation basis to promote the benign development of the supply chain of the whole project. At the same time, it can also lay the foundation for reducing the construction risk of the whole project and play the role of risk prevention and control. In the theoretical research, the balanced scorecard is introduced to carry out qualitative analysis, and the main evaluation indexes are refined. Classification and determination. The key performance indicators based on balanced Scorecard theory can comprehensively consider all aspects of suppliers. Through the financial, customer service, operation and learning and development of the four dimensions of the interrelationship between indicators, The supplier evaluation index system under the guidance of this theory can be applied to the prospective evaluation of suppliers. It can also be used as a tool for H Company to implement risk control. In order to optimize supplier selection and control risk, this paper introduces the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to further study and decompose the elements related to decision-making into objectives and criteria. Finally, with the help of the idea of fuzzy comprehensive scoring method, the corresponding value of each weight factor is assigned to each subdivision index. The optimal supplier suitable for H company project can be found by quantitative calculation. The above inductive analysis process is a practical decision analysis method combining qualitative and quantitative analysis. It not only provides H Company with a set of novel and scientific methods of purchasing risk control, but also provides a more suitable scheme for H Company to judge the quality of domestic suppliers.
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