本文选题:政府投资基本建设项目 + 绩效评价 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the financial budget management in our country has begun to change from strengthening the standard of expenditure to paying attention to the effectiveness of expenditure. The performance evaluation of government investment projects is just an effective management means to adapt to the current financial forms and budget management requirements. However, from the current performance evaluation practice, there are still two major problems: 1) the evidence of performance evaluation has the characteristics of post-complement and lack of verifiability. The reason is that the current performance evaluation evidence is collected after the completion of the project, the performance evaluation evidence is seriously lagging behind, the lack of immediate control of performance evaluation evidence, resulting in the quality of performance evaluation evidence is difficult to ensure; at the same time, it is difficult to obtain evidence. The completeness, accuracy, objectivity and evaluability of evidence are not enough. (2) from the actual situation of performance evaluation, we can see that the evidence of performance evaluation is too dependent on the person being evaluated, and the evaluation lacks independence. Therefore, the results of performance evaluation lose objectivity and credibility. Therefore, the evidence of performance evaluation is a key problem in the practice of performance evaluation of government investment capital construction projects. Based on the above problems in the performance evaluation of government investment projects, this paper uses the methods of literature analysis, hierarchical analysis, expert interview, brainstorming, evidence-based analysis and grey correlation degree to study the following aspects: first, Build the government investment capital construction project stage performance self-evaluation evidence list. First of all, this paper selects self-evaluation evidence through the analysis of documents and legal documents, and then uses AHP to formulate the screening principle to screen the initial self-evaluation evidence. Then we use the methods of expert interview and brainstorming to supplement and perfect the selected self-evaluation evidence, and construct the final self-assessment evidence list. Finally, through evidence-based analysis, we analyze the verifiable problem of self-assessment evidence list. Secondly, the relationship between self-assessment evidence list and third party performance evaluation is established. This paper first analyzes the correlation mechanism between the common indicators of third-party performance evaluation and the self-assessment evidence list, and then through statistical analysis, takes the IPPCE Institute from 2002 to 2015 to carry out the performance evaluation of a total of 69 projects as the data source. This paper makes statistics on the use of self-evaluated evidence list and third party performance evaluation index, and finally verifies and analyzes their relevance by using grey correlation degree method. Third, establish the third party performance evaluation evidence source and collection approach. On the basis of the existing common indicators (the performance evaluation index system of government investment capital construction project and the self-assessment evidence list established after two times screening and optimization), This paper studies and determines the sources and approaches of third-party performance evaluation evidence; then analyzes the independence of performance evaluation evidence matched by each index; finally puts forward reasonable suggestions to those performance evaluation evidence that can not be independently obtained.
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