本文选题:大庆油田总医院 + 卫生技术人员 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The reform of the medical and health system is a major event related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. In March 2009, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "opinions on deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health system", which clearly pointed out the need to "reform the personnel system and improve the distribution and incentive mechanism." The comprehensive performance appraisal and post performance wage system, which is based on the service quality and the post workload, should be carried out, and the enthusiasm of the health technical personnel should be effectively aroused. Daqing Oilfield General Hospital is the largest Grade 3A hospital in the western region of Heilongjiang Province. In recent years, the increasing number of patients in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital has brought great pressure to clinical health technicians. The work enthusiasm and job satisfaction of health technicians are declining, and the existing salary system in hospitals can not fully play the role of incentive. How to optimize the current salary system of health technicians has become a realistic subject in front of Daqing Oilfield General Hospital. Firstly, this paper systematically combs the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on the compensation system of public hospital health technicians, and summarizes the concepts of compensation and compensation system, relevant compensation theory and incentive theory. It provides a theoretical basis for the further study on the optimization of the salary system of health technicians in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital. Secondly, the article summarizes the status quo of salary structure of health technicians in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital, including post (technical) salary, subsidy, bonus and welfare, etc. Combined with the results of the salary survey of health technicians, it is found that there are some problems in the current salary system of health technicians in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital, including the low salary level and unreasonable salary structure. The failure of salary incentive mode and the weak link of salary assessment are discussed, and the causes of these problems in the current compensation system are analyzed. Thirdly, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of optimizing the salary system of health technicians in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital: under the premise of determining the principle of salary system optimization and combing the overall process of salary system optimization, the overall salary strategy of the hospital is determined. The basic work of salary system optimization such as job analysis, post evaluation, salary investigation and salary structure is a solid foundation for health technical personnel to put forward the concrete optimization countermeasures of salary system. Furthermore, the paper puts forward specific optimization countermeasures for the post (technical) wages, subsidies, bonuses and benefits of health technicians, including determining the basic salary on the basis of the rank structure table of health technicians' posts. This paper combines and simplifies the complicated subsidized items of health technicians, reasonably draws up the gap of monthly bonus level, improves the internal way of granting rewards, adjusts the standard and cycle of payment of holiday subsidies, and adjusts the policy of heating fees for property, and so on. At last, the paper puts forward the concrete safeguard measures from three aspects, such as organization, system and fund, in order to ensure the smooth development and implementation of the optimization work of the health technical personnel's salary system in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital.
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