[Abstract]:The mandatory distribution evaluation method has outstanding advantages in improving the performance level, but at the same time, there is also the risk of causing unfair and destructive competition and increasing the related costs of enterprises. For this controversial performance appraisal method, scholars begin to pay attention to its effectiveness and study its influencing factors. Based on the background of the research on the effectiveness of the mandatory distribution evaluation method, this paper summarizes the four factors that affect the effectiveness of the mandatory distribution evaluation method, including the environment, the operation, the related research on the effectiveness of the mandatory distribution evaluation method, and summarizes the four factors that affect the effectiveness of the mandatory distribution evaluation method, including environment and operation. It is pointed out that the effectiveness of the assessment can be improved through the matching of corporate culture, the rationality of design and the participation of the team index in the implementation of the mandatory distribution evaluation method in four aspects, that is, the examiner and the person to be assessed. Finally, the practical enlightenment and direction prospect about the effectiveness of the mandatory distribution evaluation method are summarized.
【作者单位】: 暨南大学管理学院;
【基金】:2016年国家自然科学基金:中国情境下多水平心理资本对变革支持行为的影响:一个跨层次跟踪研究(71602075) 2015年广东省自然科学基金项目:基于团队学习与交互记忆系统视角的研发团队心理资本与团队创新绩效关系纵向实证研究(408277493017) 2015年教育部一般人文社会科学青年基金项目:本土文化情境下包容型领导与员工创新行为的关系:理论模型与跨层次纵向实证研究(15YJC630197) 2014年广东软科学项目:动态环境下基于创业学习与知识整合视角的广东省高科技企业组织复原力与创业绩效的关系:纵向实证研究与对策建议(2014A070703021)资助
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