[Abstract]:Industrial poverty alleviation is one of the main modes of poverty alleviation in our country. The paper combs the development process and main pattern of industry poverty alleviation in our country, and thinks that although the practice of industry poverty alleviation has achieved remarkable results in poverty reduction and poverty alleviation, there still exists industry convergence, and the participation mechanism and benefit sharing mechanism of poor households are lacking. The green ecological protection is limited, the risk resisting mechanism is not perfect, the science and technology investment is insufficient, and so on. After explaining the relationship between the precision poverty alleviation strategy and the industry poverty alleviation practice and the new requirements of the precision poverty alleviation strategy to the industry poverty alleviation practice, It is pointed out that the coordination effect of policy planning on industrial development, the establishment of effective benefit binding mechanism and precision sharing mechanism, the construction and research of risk protection mechanism, the effective supervision of ecological green and the combination of industrial development through performance appraisal are emphasized. Combined with the Internet, big data and other high-tech industry poverty reduction practice optimization path.
【作者单位】: 广西大学;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“滇桂黔石漠化片区精准扶贫绩效提升机制研究”(项目号:15BMZ057) 2015年广西高校科学技术研究项目“广西村落变迁进程与农村治理转型研究”(项目号:KY2015YB022) 广西大学科研基金资助项目“广西精准扶贫实践探索与路径优化研究”(项目号:XBS16035)的阶段性研究成果
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