[Abstract]:At present, the civil aviation industry in our country is developing rapidly, and the number of flights is increasing year by year, but the airspace has not increased, which brings increasing physiological and psychological pressure to air traffic controllers, and has a great impact on their safety behavior ability. And its ability is the important guarantee that CAAC safety and efficiency. In the past researches on the safety capability of controllers, most of them were qualitatively analyzed from the macroscopic angles of system, management, scheduling, etc. The quantitative research mainly focused on the fatigue that might occur after long hours of work. Few quantitative studies have been conducted on individual controllers responding to sudden emergencies. Based on the widely used physiological psychology research method and the controller's safety performance index, this paper puts forward the experimental hypothesis that the controller's skill level is related to the safety performance index and physiological index. Based on the experimental hypothesis, a testing system for the safety behavior of controller emergency situation is constructed, which is composed of physiological data acquisition module, scene recording module, data recording and analysis module, and carries out simulation experiments and records related data based on the experimental system. The data of safety capability index were analyzed and discussed, and the significance and reason of safety performance index and physiological index between new and old hand groups were analyzed. The physiological indexes were different from each other in the baseline level, and then compared with each other after adopting the rate of change. The results showed that there were significant differences in physiological indexes including heart rate, SDNN,PNN50,LF/HF ratio, tension EDA, phase EDA, among different flow stages. Besides LF/HF ratio, there were significant differences in physiological indexes between old and new hands. Combined with the later interviews, it was found that the difference between the new and old hand groups may be caused by the different control strategies adopted by them. In the early stage of the experiment, the veteran controller had expected the emergence of emergency situations, and began to think about the control strategy of the whole exercise earlier. And sequence the flights in the control area; In the middle and late stage of the experiment, the main task of the veteran controller is to carry out the related monitoring and coordination tasks according to the early morning control strategy, while the novice controller has just begun to arrange the overall strategy, and the performance is more flustered. Finally, the score of safe behavior ability is constructed by synthesizing each index, and verified. Through the research in this paper, we can evaluate the safety behavior ability of controllers in emergency situations by synthesizing subjective and objective parameters, thus providing references for air traffic control units to arrange major incident response plans, new personnel training, selection and so on. Finally, it can ensure the safe and stable operation of civil aviation more effectively.
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