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发布时间:2019-01-03 06:13
[Abstract]:In recent years, our country has been committed to poverty alleviation and development, has made remarkable achievements. But at the same time, it also faces a series of severe challenges and tests. On the one hand, due to the lack of scientific and reasonable targeting mechanism for poverty alleviation, the poor population can not be accurately identified, the related poverty situation is unknown, and the poverty alleviation resources cannot be used accurately, thus the expected poverty reduction effect is not achieved. Therefore, it is necessary for our country to further develop more perfect poverty reduction strategies and precise poverty alleviation policies and models, and to achieve comprehensive and accurate help work for poor areas through such work as building grade cards. In order to improve the accuracy, inclusiveness and effectiveness of poverty reduction policies. On the other hand, based on the domestic and foreign scholars' research on poverty alleviation in China, it concludes that the poverty alleviation work led by the government has been lack of input and understanding of the micro perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of poverty alleviation in China. Based on the perspective of accurate poverty alleviation, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the data obtained by the questionnaire survey with the work of "double bags and double arrival" in Jiangci Village, Feidong County, as a starting point. It is concluded that the work of "double package and double arrival" increases the income of the poor families in Jiangci Village, and its administrative cost is higher, and the contribution rate of poverty eradication is low. In view of this, this paper analyzes the relevant reasons and puts forward targeted recommendations. This paper mainly discusses from six parts: the first part is the overall elaboration of the research background and research significance, as well as the analysis of the current situation of anti-poverty, poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation performance at home and abroad. The research trends at home and abroad are obtained, and the related research contents, research methods and technical routes are put forward. The second part is to define the relevant concepts and theories, including poverty alleviation, precision poverty alleviation, performance and performance evaluation. The third part mainly introduces the precision poverty alleviation model at home and abroad, compares the domestic and foreign precision poverty alleviation models, and enumerates the specific practical experience of the precision poverty alleviation work at home and abroad. The fourth part is to analyze the performance of poverty alleviation projects from the perspective of precision poverty reduction. This paper mainly discusses the theoretical basis of performance evaluation, the train of thought of performance evaluation and the common methods of performance evaluation. The fifth part is the empirical analysis of Jiangci Village in Feidong County. This paper mainly introduces the present situation of poverty in the research area, the performance evaluation system of "double bag and double to" precision poverty alleviation and the analysis of the evaluation results, and finds out the problems existing in the precision poverty alleviation work in Feidong County. The sixth part is the path choice to speed up the precision poverty alleviation in Feidong County, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the performance of "double bag and double to" work. There is a certain universality and similarity in the precision poverty alleviation work in the whole country, so the research of this paper has certain reference significance to the precision poverty alleviation work in Anhui Province.


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