[Abstract]:The incomplete political development cycle can construct the political discourse, but not the political discourse system. The failure of the political development cycle can prove the non-feasibility of the political development road, but it can not show the correctness of the political development road, which determines that it is difficult to provide the political discourse system should run the discourse; Because the success or failure of political development in the future is uncertain, it is also difficult to provide the complete development discourse required by the political discourse system. The complete successful political development cycle is the discourse source of political discourse system construction and plays a decisive role in the construction of political discourse system. We must supply the perceptual materials for the construction of the discourse system with the complete political practice cycle and the positive performance, and refine and configure the rational materials for the construction of the discourse system by the scientific and rational subjective design. Only by testing and improving the truth of the discourse system in political practice can the construction of the political discourse system be completed.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学政治学与公共管理学院;
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