[Abstract]:China's crowdfunding platform can be divided into two categories according to whether there are raffle stalls in the setting of supporting mode. By comparing the two types of crowdfunding platforms and projects, we find that the introduction of lottery mode crowdfunding has achieved great success in practice. The success of this support model lies in lowering the threshold for participation, allowing more people to participate in the project, thereby increasing the number of people supported, and ultimately affecting the crowdfunding performance of the project through the herding effect. Our findings can be interpreted as an intermediary model based on the number of investors as an intermediary variable. On the basis of capturing more data (number of likes), we also recognize the role of social identity in regulating the model. Specifically, by influencing the number of investors, the number of lottery stalls is positively related to the public performance, and its impact on the number of investors is adjusted by the number of likes.
【作者单位】: 南京大学商学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金“网络事件中消费者态度群体极化形成机理研究”(编号:71002028) 教育部创新团队发展计划“经济转型背景下稳定物价的货币政策”(编号:IRT13020)的资助
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