[Abstract]:In today's fierce market competition environment, the competitive advantage of Guangxi electrolytic aluminum enterprises is not obvious. How to establish a fair organizational environment, so that employees can feel enough respect from the enterprise, so that employees continue to enhance their emotional input to the enterprise, in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to improve the work performance of the enterprise. Is Guangxi electrolysis aluminum enterprise faces the problem. In order to solve this problem effectively, this paper analyzes the relationship between organizational fairness, emotional commitment and job performance through empirical analysis of the relationship between organizational fairness, emotional commitment and job performance, and explores the intermediary role of emotional commitment in organizational equity and job performance. On the basis of summarizing the existing researches of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper defines the research variables of organizational fairness, emotional commitment and job performance of employees in Guangxi Electrolytic Aluminum Enterprises, and puts forward organizational fairness. Based on the hypothesis of the relationship between job performance and emotional commitment, this paper constructs the theoretical model of this paper. Through the sample data obtained from the pre-survey questionnaire, the scale was optimized, and the formal investigation was carried out with the optimized scale. The structural models and the hypothesis of the relationship between the variables were tested by spss19.0,amos24.0 software. The empirical study shows that: in the overall level, the organizational fairness of employees in Guangxi electrolytic aluminum enterprises has a significant positive impact on job performance and emotional commitment, and emotional commitment has a significant positive impact on job performance; At the dimension level, 1 there are three dimensions (procedure fairness, leadership equity, information equity) in the four dimensions of organizational fairness in Guangxi electrolytic aluminum enterprises, which have a significant positive impact on job performance and organizational equity (procedural equity, distributive equity), and there are three dimensions in the four dimensions of organizational fairness in Guangxi electrolytic aluminum enterprises. Leadership equity, information fairness) significantly positive impact on task performance; Organizational justice has three dimensions (procedural fairness, leadership equity, information fairness) significantly positive impact on peripheral performance, 2the four dimensions of organizational equity in Guangxi electrolytic aluminum enterprises significantly positive impact on emotional commitment; (3) the emotional commitment of employees in Guangxi Electrolytic Aluminum Company has a significant positive impact on task performance and peripheral performance. The results show that emotional commitment plays an intermediary role in the relationship between organizational equity and job performance in the employees of Guangxi Electrolytic Aluminum Enterprises. At the dimension level, (1) emotional commitment plays an intermediary role in the three dimensions of organizational fairness: procedural fairness, leadership equity, information fairness and job performance; (2) emotional commitment plays an intermediary role in the four dimensions of organizational justice: procedural fairness, distributive equity, leadership equity, information fairness and task performance; (3) emotional commitment plays an intermediary role in the three dimensions of organizational fairness: procedural fairness, leadership fairness, information fairness and peripheral performance.
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