发布时间:2023-05-18 20:36
【文章页数】:84 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Significant
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research content
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Key finding
2 Literature Review
2.1 Historical Overview of EU-China Environmental Relations
2.2 Briefly Overview of Green and CE Policy in Europe
2.3 Briefly Overview of Green and CE Policy in China
2.4 Green Policies and CE: Differing Aspects in Europe and China
2.4.1 Environmental Regulations
2.4.2 EU-China: Concept of CE
2.4.3 Overview of EU-China: Economic and Technology Aspects
2.5 Concept of Eco-efficiency
2.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
2.7 Return on Assets (ROA)
2.7.1 Effect on ROA
2.8 Return on Equity (ROE)
2.8.1 Effect on ROE
2.9 Employee Satisfaction
2.10 Theoretical Backgrounds
3 Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Variable Definitions
3.3 Model Specification
3.4 Estimation Techniques
3.5 Panel Unit Root Test
3.6 Panel Cointegration Test
3.7 Hausman Test
3.8 Heteroskedasticity Test
3.9 Samples
3.9.1 Dassault Systèmes
3.9.2 Neste Oil
3.9.3 Valeo
3.9.4 Philips
3.9.5 Intesa Sanpaolo
3.9.6 H&M Company
3.9.7 L'Oréal
3.9.8 Lenovo
3.9.9 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
3.9.10 Haier
4 Analysis and Results
4.1 Unit Root Test
4.2 Results of Panel Cointegration Test
4.3 Effect on ROA
4.4 Effect on ROE
5 Interpretation and Discussion
5.1 Effect on ROA
5.2 Impact on ROE
5.3 Sum of the ROA and ROE
5.4 Independent Variables Trend
5.4.1 Green House Emissions
5.4.2 Water Pollution
5.4.3 Energy Consumption
5.4.4 Wastage
5.4.5 Employee Satisfaction
6 Conclusion
7 Further studies
About Me
About Supervisor
【文章页数】:84 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Significant
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research content
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Key finding
2 Literature Review
2.1 Historical Overview of EU-China Environmental Relations
2.2 Briefly Overview of Green and CE Policy in Europe
2.3 Briefly Overview of Green and CE Policy in China
2.4 Green Policies and CE: Differing Aspects in Europe and China
2.4.1 Environmental Regulations
2.4.2 EU-China: Concept of CE
2.4.3 Overview of EU-China: Economic and Technology Aspects
2.5 Concept of Eco-efficiency
2.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
2.7 Return on Assets (ROA)
2.7.1 Effect on ROA
2.8 Return on Equity (ROE)
2.8.1 Effect on ROE
2.9 Employee Satisfaction
2.10 Theoretical Backgrounds
3 Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Variable Definitions
3.3 Model Specification
3.4 Estimation Techniques
3.5 Panel Unit Root Test
3.6 Panel Cointegration Test
3.7 Hausman Test
3.8 Heteroskedasticity Test
3.9 Samples
3.9.1 Dassault Systèmes
3.9.2 Neste Oil
3.9.3 Valeo
3.9.4 Philips
3.9.5 Intesa Sanpaolo
3.9.6 H&M Company
3.9.7 L'Oréal
3.9.8 Lenovo
3.9.9 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
3.9.10 Haier
4 Analysis and Results
4.1 Unit Root Test
4.2 Results of Panel Cointegration Test
4.3 Effect on ROA
4.4 Effect on ROE
5 Interpretation and Discussion
5.1 Effect on ROA
5.2 Impact on ROE
5.3 Sum of the ROA and ROE
5.4 Independent Variables Trend
5.4.1 Green House Emissions
5.4.2 Water Pollution
5.4.3 Energy Consumption
5.4.4 Wastage
5.4.5 Employee Satisfaction
6 Conclusion
7 Further studies
About Me
About Supervisor