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发布时间:2018-01-20 10:01

  本文关键词: 金矿开采 客户关系管理 矿产行业 中小企业 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:黄金做为一种最稀有、最珍贵并且最被人类看中的贵金属之一,在储备、投资、流通以及世界货币领域有着极重要的作用。我国黄金开采可追溯至春秋战国时期,而广西金矿开发利用见诸文字记载可追溯至唐代,目前广西金矿已形成田林高龙金矿、凭祥龙塘金矿、贵港龙头山金矿、贺州龙水金矿、横县南乡金矿以及凤山金矿等六大基地。广西矿产资源丰富,具有“有色金属之乡”的称号,广西黄金储量较丰富,但是由于开采年代早,开发不合理,监管不到位,技术水平低下,且广西金矿大多是高砷、硫、碳型金矿石,品位低,金矿分布较散,总体规模不大等问题,广西的金矿资源日益减少,可开采矿石量有限,开采难度趋向困难化。另一方面通货膨胀,物价上涨致使管理成本及生产成本上升,而金矿价格自2011年一来总体呈下降趋势,价格一路走低。广西2010年一来颁布实施的矿产资源整合办法,使得包括金矿在内的矿产进入门槛高,生存困难,矿业公司特别是中小型矿业公司面临着严重的生存和发展问题,旧的发展模式、运营模式和组织结构已经不能适应当今形势的发展需求。经济全球化和市场化进一步激化竞争环境;产品的竞争已经不再是企业竞争市场的首要因素,客户资源对企业的发展越发重要,甚至成为企业的核心竞争力。满足客户需求,让客户满意和忠诚,以最小的成本维持老客户和发展新客户是企业在激烈的竞争中取得胜利的重要因素。“以客户为中心”的客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,简称CRM),以其新型的理念取代传统的产品导向的理念,适应了经济全球化和市场化的发展。企业通过使企业组织,业务流程,工作技术等都基于以客户为中心的商业理念和运作模式,借助一定的网络、信息技术,实现企业与客户之间的良性互动,最终使企业价值最大化。本文综合的运用了市场营销、战略管理、人力资源管理,客户关系管理等方面的知识,通过文献研究法、比较分析法、经验总结法、PEST分析法等方法,立足企业现状以及企业客户关系管理的现状及问题分析,通过分析公司客户关系管理的宏观影响因素及广西BT矿业有限公司客户关系管理的微观影响因素,探寻广西BT矿业有限公司客户关系管理息息相关的信息技术、高层管理者、企业文化、组织架构及供应链伙伴关系等方面的优化建议及措施,提高员工和客户满意度和忠诚度,选择与企业相匹配的客户关系管理优化方案并提供实施保障,达到提高客户忠诚度,提升企业竞争优势的目的。
[Abstract]:Gold is one of the most precious and rare, most are one of the precious metal, human fancy in the reserves, investment, has a very important role in the circulation as well as the world currency area. China's gold mining can be traced back to the spring and Autumn period, and the development and utilization of Guangxi gold deposit in text records can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, Guangxi gold has formed Tianlin Gaolong gold deposit, Pingxiang Longtang gold deposit, Longtoushan gold deposit, Hezhou Longshui gold, gold and gold deposit in Fengshan, Hengxian Nan Xiang six base. Guangxi is rich in mineral resources, with "non-ferrous metals town" said, Guangxi is rich in gold reserves, but due to mining in the early development. Is not reasonable, the regulation is not in place, low levels of technology, and Guangxi gold deposits are mostly high arsenic, sulfur, carbon gold ore, low grade gold, scattered distribution, overall size and other issues, the Guangxi gold ore resources dwindling, open mining The stone is limited, the difficulty of exploitation tends to be difficult. On the other hand, inflation, rising prices and rising production costs, resulting in cost management, and the gold price since 2011 that the overall downward trend, the price all the way down to Guangxi in 2010. As the promulgation and implementation of the mineral resources integration methods, including the gold mineral, high barriers to entry, survival the mineral company is difficult, especially small and medium-sized mineral company is facing the survival and development of the problem is serious, the old development model, business model and organizational structure has been unable to meet the development needs of the current situation. Economic globalization and market further intensified competition environment; product competition is no longer the primary factor of enterprise competition in the market, the more important the development of customers the resources of enterprises, and even become the core competitiveness of enterprises. To meet customer demand, customer satisfaction and loyalty, with minimal cost dimension To new customers and old customers and the development of enterprises is an important factor to win in the fierce competition. "Customer relationship management to the customer as the center" (Customer Relationship Management, referred to as CRM), to replace the traditional product oriented to the new idea of the concept, adapt to the development of economic globalization and market-oriented enterprises through. The enterprise organization, business processes, technology and so on are all based on customer-centric business philosophy and mode of operation, with the help of the network, information technology, realize the benign interaction between the enterprise and the customer, the enterprise value maximization. The comprehensive use of marketing, strategic management, human resource management, customer the relationship between management and other aspects of knowledge, through literature research, comparative analysis and experience summary method, PEST analysis method, based on the current situation of enterprise and the current situation of enterprise customer relationship management and The problem analysis, through the analysis of macro micro factors affect the company's customer relationship management factors and Guangxi BT Mining Limited company customer relationship management, explore the information technology of Guangxi BT Mining Limited company customer relationship management are closely related, top management, corporate culture, organizational structure and optimization suggestions and measures of supply chain partnership, improve employee and customer satisfaction and loyalty, customer relationship management and guarantee the implementation of optimization scheme selection and matching of enterprise, improve customer loyalty, enhance the enterprise competitive advantage.



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