[Abstract]:Fund management is the important content of enterprise management all the time. With the development of the enterprise's international operation, the capital management of the enterprise group also develops from the traditional cash management (cash business management, such as collection, payment, settlement and so on) to the broader financial resource management (involving currency funds, marketable securities, etc.). Credit assets, receivables and other financial assets; long-term and short-term loans, bonds payable, payables, deposits, letters of credit, guarantees and other financial liabilities; entrusted loans, financial derivatives, credit ratings, bank relations, Customer relationship and other impact on financing costs and financial market investment returns on resource management). Therefore, multinational enterprise groups have gradually established their own treasurer (treasury) organization and system to assume the function of financial resource management, and risk management has become one of the important functions of treasurer senior management. China's enterprise groups are facing unpredictable international and domestic situation, and the risk management ability of financial resources is undergoing a severe test. Some enterprise groups have started to set up treasurer organizations or systems to carry out the leading practice of financial resource risk management. Although some enterprise groups have not set up special organizations, they have also set up special functions in the finance department. Actively explore the content and tools of financial resource risk management. Based on the analysis of the connotation of financial resource risk management, this paper mainly expounds the importance of the emergence and management of the main risk areas (market risk, credit risk, operational risk) of the financial resources of enterprise groups. This paper analyzes the organizational orientation of the corresponding risk management, and introduces various management tools for risk prevention, the purpose of which is to provide support for the specialization of enterprise groups and the fine management of the risks of financial resources.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学商学院;
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