[Abstract]:The transformation of postal agency financial network (hereinafter referred to as "branch transformation") will change the business concept from product-centered to customer-centered, and its core is the transformation of the concept, focusing on customer demand as the focus of marketing, and maintaining the customer relationship continuously. Improve customer satisfaction with postal service, extend customer life cycle in postal financial network. In order to help the postal service to develop financial business and the needs of network transformation, the postal financial customer marketing expert system (hereinafter referred to as the system) is designed and built. The system helps financial managers provide humanized services to customers, excavate customer needs, and effectively sell products. At the same time, the system helps financial managers to handle business at the network before customers enter the network. After leaving the network, the three stages are done in advance, in the event, after the marketing and care, increase marketing opportunities, strengthen customer loyalty and satisfaction to the postal network, and promote the expansion of business scale and revenue increase.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江省邮政公司信息技术局;
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