[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet and electronic commerce, how to accurately grasp the preferences and needs of users has become a hot research issue in the field of electronic commerce. Accurate user portrait (User Profiling) and efficient user preference modeling not only bring accurate personalized service and recommendation to users, but also improve the customer relationship management (CRM), of e-commerce enterprises to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. Similarly, there is a problem of passenger preference modeling in the field of civil aviation. Under the trend of economic globalization and aviation alliance, civil aviation passenger transport is facing fierce competition. Civil aviation enterprises do everything possible to improve their operational efficiency, so as to improve the competitiveness of their own industries. For civil aviation enterprises, excavating passengers' preference for seats, improving their understanding of passengers, and providing targeted personalized service to passengers has become one of the important measures of customer relationship management (CRM). In particular, according to the preferences of passengers to allocate seats to the passengers on the flight, to improve the travel satisfaction of the vast majority of passengers, has become the goal of airlines competing to pursue. In this paper, the modeling problem of civil aviation passenger seat preference is studied from the perspective of social network. Considering the limitation of seat resources in the field of civil aviation and the social relations between passengers, a modeling method combining passenger individual preference and passenger relationship preference is proposed. First of all, we use the historical travel records of civil aviation passengers to infer the social relations between passengers, and use these relations to construct the common travel network of passengers. Then, based on the limitation of seat resources, the preference model of passengers to seat attributes is constructed. Then, based on the common travel network of passengers, the correlation between the intimacy of passenger relationship and seat distance is explored, and the preference model of passenger relationship is constructed. Then, we combine passenger individual preference with passenger relationship preference by linear combination. Finally, based on the passenger preference model, passengers are recommended for seats, and the first-come-first-served algorithm is used to assign seats to the whole flight. An experiment is carried out on a real data set in the field of civil aviation. It is proved that the preference model proposed in this paper can organically combine the individual preference and relational preference of passengers to describe the preference of passengers to seats, which provides a theoretical basis for the problem of passenger seat recommendation. In addition, the experiment also shows that compared with the seat situation generated by the passenger check-in process in reality, this paper uses the first-come-first-served algorithm to allocate seats to improve the satisfaction of passengers.
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