本文关键词:关于颠覆性技术识别框架的探索 出处:《科学学研究》2015年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Disruptive technology follows the bottom-up performance track. Based on the new technology attribute set, the new competitive platform is introduced to replace the existing technology paradigm and change the technological competition situation of enterprises. The early identification and detection of it will help enterprises to adjust the technology innovation strategy in time and avoid the risk. Most of the existing subversive technology identification studies use subjective methods, and the objective analysis method based on patent analysis has not been fully understood and applied. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a recognition framework of disruptive technologies, this framework based on patent data, based on the development of technology innovation and improvement of the property promotion mechanism, reference species model and set pair analysis method, through the calculation of the emergence of new technologies and attribute similarity, to disruptive strength value measure. Finally, the validity of the model is verified by the example of the patent of automobile lithium battery technology in the Derent patent database.
【作者单位】: 北京工业大学经济与管理学院;
【正文快照】: 颠覆性技术既可以源于现有技术的融合,也可以是在创新活动所产生的重大技术产品范式变革中形成的新技术[1]。颠覆性技术与企业的长期盈利和生存能力紧密相关[2],因此,应在颠覆性技术对主流市场产生重大影响之前,对其进行识别,辅助企业制定相应的研发战略[3]。历史经验表明,只
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