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发布时间:2018-05-08 11:25

  本文选题:产学研合作项目 + 社会网络 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:建立创新型国家是我国未来十年发展的核心战略。这决定了必须提高知识创新的效率和效益,产学研合作项目是促使上述目标实现的有效途径之一。在我国产学研合作项目中,由于产学研合作项目是跨组织的项目,各组织之间很难建立起高效的协调机制,这将导致资源无法有效协调和利用,造成产学研合作项目的失败率较高,其结果势必影响知识创新的速度和效果。上述问题已超出了项目管理的研究范畴,在这种情况下,产学研合作项目治理则是解决问题更有效的途径。因此,本文在对产学研合作项目治理风险因素进行实证分析的基础上,采用仿真技术揭示项目社会网络结构演变对治理风险因素的演化规律,并以此提出管理策略和建议。这对于降低产学研合作项目治理风险,保证产学研合作项目成功具有重要意义。 本文从社会网络结构演化的视角,对产学研合作项目治理风险进行研究,主要内容分为以下三个部分: 第一部分,即论文第1章和第2章,对产学研合作项目相关研究进行回顾,通过文献评述,发现目前有关产学研合作项目治理风险的研究,忽视了产学研合作项目“嵌入”社会网络结构后,结构演变所造成的治理风险。基于以上分析,本文认为产学研合作项目是基于信任关系,由企业、高等院校或科研机构以及中介机构为核心的众多参与主体构成的社会网络,其治理风险主要来自产学研合作项目社会网络结构变化所引起的网络结构风险。因此,本文将研究问题界定为如何分析产学研合作项目社会网络结构风险。该部分还对产学研合作项目、项目治理以及社会网络分析等相关研究进行了梳理,为论文主体部分的研究提供理论支持。 第二部分,即论文的第3章,对产学研合作项目治理风险因素进行实证分析。本部分从产学研合作参与方、合作过程以及合作环境三个方面,对产学研合作项目治理风险因素进行了梳理,同时依据本文中产学研合作项目治理概念和已有研究成果对项目治理成功指标进行了提炼和界定,并依据上述结果进行实验设计。通过问卷调查方法和因子分析方法提取出产学研合作项目治理风险因素,并采用多元回归分析法对产学研合作项目治理风险因素与项目治理成功之间的相关性进行了检验。该部分的研究结论既是对第一部分所提出的研究问题进行的深入分析和科学论证,也是对第三部分研究内容的明确和界定,具有承上启下的作用。 第三部分,即论文的第4章、第5章和第6章,对产学研合作项目社会网络结构风险演化规律进行分析。本部分通过对产学研合作项目治理风险因素进行理论分析的基础上,运用MATLAB软件仿真并分析了项目社会网络结构演变对产学研合作项目治理风险因素的影响过程和作用机理。通过对结果的分析,揭示出项目社会网络结构改变时,产学研合作项目治理风险因素的演化规律,并依据上述演化规律制定出产学研合作项目管理策略和建议,为降低产学研合作项目治理风险,保证产学研合作项目成功提供了理论支持和实践指导。 本文对产学研合作项目治理风险展开研究,关注项目社会网络结构演变对产学研合作项目治理风险因素的影响,本文采用实证方法和仿真技术分析了上述影响过程,主要的研究结论如下: 1.产学研合作项目治理风险主要来自信任机制、知识扩散过程、项目合作关系以及合作策略四个关键因素。 本文通过问卷调查方法对产学研合作项目治理风险因素进行了分析,研究表明,产学研合作项目治理风险因素聚焦在信任机制、知识扩散过程、合作关系以及项目合作策略四个关键因素上;同时,本文采用多元回归分析法对信任机制因素、知识扩散过程因素、合作关系因素以及项目合作策略因素与项目治理成功之间的相关性进行了检验,从检验结果中可以看出,信任机制因素、合作关系因素和项目合作策略因素对微观治理成功、宏观治理成功以及项目治理成功产生正向影响;知识扩散过程因子对微观治理成功和项目治理成功产生正向影响,对宏观治理成功的影响较弱。从上述研究结果中可以得出,产学研合作项目治理成功不仅关注项目管理范畴,更加强调产学研合作项目治理环境的构建。 2.产学研合作项目治理风险因素中信任机制风险,随着产学研合作项目社会网络结构中个体关系属性的改变而表现出非线性的演化规律。 从仿真结果中可以得出,减少政府对企业、高校和科研单位、中介机构的直接行政干预,保持项目各参与方相对独立的运作方式,更能增进产学研合作项目中各参与主体之间的信任状态;随着高校和科研单位影响力的增强,产学研合作项目中各参与主体对政府的信任状态能够较迅速的达到稳定状态。需要特别指出的是,虽然高校和科研单位影响力较大,但其自身的信任状态并没有发生较大改变。这说明了产学研合作项目中对“研”的信任更多的来自制度信任和过程信任,知名专家或者科研机构并不能增强产学研合作项目中各参与方之间的信任水平,也不能确保产学研合作项目目标的实现,而真正能够实现项目价值的保证源于良好的项目治理环境;企业与高校和科研单位的目标差异,使得其他产学研合作项目参与个体对上述两个体的信任状态产生了分歧。这表明,在产学研合作项目中 一旦参与方之间对项目目标或价值存在认识和判断上的分歧时,很容易造成产学研合作项目中多个群体的产生,这些群体内部具有较高的信任状态,但群体间信任状态较低,随着目标差异的逐渐增大,可能导致相同价值理念群体的退出。 3.产学研合作项目参与个体间的信任、扩散意愿和影响力、以及扩散者地位对产学研合作项目治理风险中知识扩散过程因素具有显著影响。 从仿真结果中可以得出,在知识扩散过程中,产学研合作项目个体间信任、知识扩散者意愿及其影响力均与知识扩散平均速度之间具有正相关性。当产学研合作项目参与个体之间的信任程度和知识扩散者意愿越强,知识扩散者影响力越大时,越有利于促进项目参与个体间隐性知识的扩散:初始知识扩散者的位置对于知识扩散数量和速度具有较大影响。在产学研合作项目知识扩散过程中,知识扩散者越有可能成为产学研合作项目核心成员时,隐性知识被产学研合作项目参与个体接收的数量越大,同时,产学研合作项目知识扩散速度越快;当产学研合作项目知识水平达到一定规模以后,产学研合作项目知识扩散瞬时速度存在最大值,即存在产学研合作项目知识水平的最优扩散规模。随着产学研合作项目知识扩散瞬时速度达到最大值后,瞬时扩散速度开始下降,呈现出下降趋势。这表明产学研合作项目需要协同、培训等技术手段,使产学研合作项目知识水平达到一定的阀值,才能实现隐性知识的高速扩散,同时也表明,产学研合作项目的边界不利于项目外部隐性知识的吸收和利用。 4.产学研合作项目治理风险中的合作关系因素伴随着合作策略因素的改变,在不同的项目社会网络结构的复杂特征下表现出不同的动态演化规律。 在具有小世界特征的产学研合作项目社会网络中,随着网络平均节点度的不断增大,网络平均路径长度不断减少,而聚集系数却不断增加,这说明随着产学研合作项目参与个体之间合作关系数量的不断增加,产学研合作项目参与个体之间有形成内部小团体的趋势,同时,平均路径长度的降低,更有助于内部沟通和知识扩散的进行,尤其是有利于隐性知识的传播和扩散;在采取不同的博弈策略时,产学研合作项目合作关系表现出不同的变化规律,采取赢留输变策略时效率较高,在此策略下,不断增加项目参与个体之间的合作数量,可以促进合作关系比例的增加;采取以牙还牙策略时效率也较高,但在此策略下,产学研合作项目合作关系不断下降,不利于产学研合作项目合作关系的建立。 在具有无标度特征的产学研合作项目社会网络中,赢留输变策略对于促使产学研合作项目迅速达到稳定合作关系的作用效果较差,同时,产学研合作项目合作关系随着项目的实施,得到了不同程度的提高,但受到初始合作比例的影响,最终稳定的项目合作关系比值差别较大,较高的初始合作比例促使最终合作关系比值较高,相反较低的初始合作比例,最终得到的合作关系比值仍较低;采取以牙还牙策略的产学研合作项目合作关系比值呈现出迅速下降趋势。随着初始合作比例的增加,产学研合作项目合作关系比值下降的速度越快,但相对增加幅度并没有明显的提高。上述结果说明,在产学研合作项目启动阶段,项目核心利益相关方合作关系较弱时,积极采取有效的惩罚措施,能实现合作关系的快速建立,在之后随着项目规模的逐渐扩大,还应积极实施鼓励和刺激合作的管理策略,以加快产学研合作项目合作关系的建立,来保证产学研合作项目的合作效果,确保产学研合作项目目标的实现。 本文以产学研合作项目治理风险作为研究对象,认为目前对产学研合作项目风险的研究,忽视了产学研合作项目“嵌入”社会网络结构后,结构演变所造成的治理风险。为此,本文采用仿真技术模拟了上述影响过程,并依据演化规律提出了相应的管理策略和建议。主要的研究创新在于以下三个方面: 1.对产学研合作项目治理风险研究视角的拓展。 依据格兰诺维特的“嵌入性”理论,产学研合作项目需“嵌入”社会网络结构中才能实现其功能和价值。因此,产学研合作项目治理风险不仅仅存在于属性风险中,本文认为更应该从产学研合作项目关系风险视角展开研究。产学研合作项目是由项目利益相关方构成的社会网络,其治理风险是由产学研合作项目社会网络结构改变而产生的社会网络结构风险引起的,探究产学研合作项目社会网络结构演化对治理风险的影响和作用规律是本文的研究重点,也是本文依据关系风险视角对产学研合作项目治理风险研究所作出的尝试和探索。 2.对产学研合作项目治理风险因素的甄别。 产学研合作项目风险因素的研究作为产学研合作研究的核心内容之一,一直是产学研合作研究的热点。但有关产学研合作项目治理风险因素的研究却相对较少,仍处于探索阶段。但从已有的少数研究成果中不难发现,对于产学研合作项目治理的研究已形成了以统一分析过程迭代模型为主线的研究思路。依据上述思路,本文对当前亟待明晰的产学研合作项目治理风险因素问题进行了实证分析,提炼并概括出信任机制、知识扩散过程、合作关系以及项目合作策略四个治理风险关键因素,这为探究产学研合作项目治理风险的作用机理提供了研究数据和基础,也是本文对产学研合作项目治理风险研究的重要成果之一。 3.对产学研合作项目社会网络结构动态演化规律的探析。 产学研合作项目治理风险的作用机理一直是学者们研究的重要内容之一。由于当前研究较多的关注个体属性风险,使得目前的研究思路通常假设产学研合作关系总是处于相对稳定状态。本文认为产学研合作项目治理风险是由于产学研合作项目社会网络结构的变化而产生的。为此,本文运用仿真技术建立并模拟了产学研合作项目社会网络结构的动态演变过程,从中观察和度量了产学研合作项目治理风险的变化规律,揭示出产学研合作项目治理风险的作用机理。仿真结果证明,仿真技术对于研究产学研合作项目社会网络结构的动态演化具有适用性和可行性。研究结论可以较好的揭示出产学研合作项目治理风险在项目社会网络结构演变中的动态变化规律及其作用机理。这弥补了当前仅注重对产学研合作项目治理风险作用机理静态研究的不足,为后续的相关研究提供了重要的研究思路和研究方法。 本文仅对产学研合作项目治理风险中的关系风险进行了研究,属性风险作为产学研合作项目治理风险的两类风险因素之一,其与关系风险之间存在一定程度的关联性,在后续研究中应系统的将上述两类风险作为一个有机的整体进行分析,这对于全面认识和降低产学研合作项目治理风险将起到积极的推动作用。与此同时也应看到,不同规模、行业和类型的产学研合作项目治理风险具有一定的差异性,今后的研究中,应针对上述产学研合作项目治理风险的差异性展开研究,以进一步从整体上提升我国产学研合作项目的知识创新效率和效益。
[Abstract]:The establishment of an innovative country is the core strategy of our country's development in the next ten years. This has decided to improve the efficiency and efficiency of knowledge innovation. The project is one of the effective ways to promote the realization of the above objectives. In our domestic research and research cooperation project, it is difficult to establish between organizations because the project is a cross organization project. The efficient coordination mechanism will lead to the lack of effective coordination and utilization of resources, resulting in the high failure rate of the project, the result of which is bound to affect the speed and effect of knowledge innovation. The above problems have exceeded the scope of the project management research. In this case, the management of the cooperative project of production research and research is more effective. Therefore, on the basis of the empirical analysis of the risk factors of the production, learning and research cooperation project, this paper uses the simulation technology to reveal the evolvement of the social network structure evolution of the project to the governing risk factors, and puts forward the management strategies and suggestions. The success of the eye is of great significance.
From the perspective of the evolution of social network structure, this paper studies the risk of project governance in industry university research cooperation. The main contents are divided into three parts:
The first part, the first chapter and the second chapter, reviews the related research of the cooperative project of production, learning and research. Through the literature review, we find that the research on the management risk of the cooperative project of the production, learning and research is at present, and the governance risk caused by the structural change is ignored after the "embedded" social network structure of the cooperative project. Based on the above analysis, this paper identifies the paper. The research and research cooperation project is a social network based on trust relationship, which is composed of enterprises, institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions and intermediaries. The risk of governance mainly comes from the network structure risk caused by the changes in the social network structure of the cooperative project. Therefore, this paper defines the problem as how. The analysis of the social network structure risk of the cooperative project, the project, the project management and the social network analysis are also carried out to provide theoretical support for the research of the main part of the paper.
The second part, the third chapter of the paper, carries out an empirical analysis on the risk factors of the management of the cooperative project of production, learning and research. This part combs the risk factors of the cooperation project of production, learning and research from three aspects of the partners, the cooperation process and the cooperative environment. The results of the project are refined and defined, and the experimental design is carried out according to the above results. Through the questionnaire survey method and factor analysis method, the risk factors of the research and research cooperation project are extracted, and the multiple regression analysis method is used to deal with the risk factors of the project and the success of the project management. The correlation is tested. The conclusion of this part is not only the in-depth analysis and scientific demonstration of the research issues raised in the first part, but also the definition and definition of the third part of the research.
The third part, the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter, analyzes the risk evolution law of the social network structure of the cooperative project of production, learning and research. This part, on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the risk factors of the project, uses the MATLAB software to simulate and analyze the development of the social network structure of the project to the cooperation item of the production, learning and research. Through the analysis of the results, the paper reveals the evolution law of the risk factors governing the project's social network structure change, and formulating the management strategies and suggestions for the cooperation project of production research and research according to the evolution law, in order to reduce the risk of the cooperation project of production, school and research. It guarantees theoretical support and practical guidance for the success of the project.
In this paper, we study the risk of the management of the cooperative project, pay attention to the influence of the social network structure evolution on the risk factors of the project, the empirical method and the simulation technology are used to analyze the influence process. The main conclusions are as follows:
1. the project governance risk of the industry university research cooperation mainly comes from four key factors: trust mechanism, knowledge diffusion process, project cooperation relationship and cooperation strategy.
This paper analyzes the risk factors of the production, learning and research cooperation project through the questionnaire survey method. The research shows that the risk factors of the project are focused on four key factors: trust mechanism, knowledge diffusion process, cooperative relationship and project cooperation strategy. At the same time, this paper uses multiple regression analysis to cause trust mechanism. The correlation between the factors of the knowledge diffusion process, the cooperation relationship and the project cooperation strategy and the success of the project management is tested. It can be seen from the test results that the factors of trust mechanism, the cooperative relationship and the project cooperation strategy contribute to the micro governance, the success of macro governance and the success of the project governance. The positive influence of the knowledge diffusion process factor has a positive impact on the success of micro governance and the success of the project governance, and it has a weak impact on the success of macro governance. From the results of the above research, it can be concluded that the success of the project management of the cooperative project of production, learning and research not only pays attention to the project management category, but also strengthens the construction of the management environment of the cooperation project of production research and research.
2. the risk factors of trust mechanism in the risk factors of the production, learning and research cooperation project, with the change of the property of the individual relationship in the social network structure of the industry and research and research cooperation project, show the nonlinear evolution law.
From the simulation results, we can reduce the government's direct administrative intervention to the enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions and intermediary agencies, maintain the relatively independent operation mode of the project participants, and enhance the trust state between the participants in the project of production, research and research cooperation. The trust state of the participants in the project can be more stable. It is necessary to point out that although the institutions of higher learning and scientific research units have great influence, the trust state of their own is not greatly changed. This shows that the trust in the research and research cooperation project is more trust and over from the system. Cheng Xinren, a well-known expert or scientific research institution can not enhance the level of trust among the participants in the project, nor can it ensure the realization of the target of the project, and the guarantee of the real value of the project is derived from the good environment of the project management; the differences between the enterprises and the institutions of higher learning and scientific research units make it possible His participation in the industry university research cooperation project is divided by individuals' trust in the above two individuals.
Once the participants have differences in the understanding and judgment of the target or value of the project, it is easy to cause the production of multiple groups in the cooperative project of production, learning and research. These groups have a high state of trust, but the state of trust among the groups is low. With the gradual increase of the target difference, it may lead to the withdrawal of the same value group.
The participation of 3. production, learning and research cooperation projects among individuals, diffusion will and influence, and the status of the diffuser have significant influence on the factors of knowledge diffusion in the risk of management of the cooperative project.
From the simulation results, it can be found that in the process of knowledge diffusion, there is a positive correlation between the inter individual trust, the willingness and influence of the knowledge diffuser and the average speed of knowledge diffusion. In a big time, the more conducive to promoting the diffusion of implicit knowledge among individuals: the location of the initial knowledge diffuser has a great influence on the number and speed of knowledge diffusion. In the process of knowledge diffusion, the more likely the knowledge diffuser may become the core member of the project, the tacit knowledge is cooperated with the production, learning and research. The greater the number of projects participating in the individual receiving, the faster the knowledge diffusion of the project, the industry, the research and research cooperation project has reached a certain scale, the instantaneous speed of knowledge diffusion in the cooperative project of production, research and research has the greatest value, that is, the optimal diffusion scale of the knowledge level of the cooperative project of production, research and research, with the integration of production, learning and research. When the instantaneous velocity of the project knowledge diffusion reaches the maximum, the instantaneous diffusion speed begins to decline and presents a downward trend. This shows that the cooperative project of production, learning and research needs cooperation, training and other technical means to achieve a certain threshold for the knowledge level of the cooperation project of the industry and research institutes to achieve the high speed diffusion of implicit knowledge. The boundary of the project is not conducive to the absorption and utilization of the tacit knowledge outside the project.
The cooperative factors in the 4. production, learning and research cooperation projects are accompanied by the change of the cooperative strategic factors, which show different dynamic evolution laws under the complex characteristics of the social network structure of different projects.
In the social network with the characteristics of small world, with the increasing of the average node degree of the network, the average path length of the network is decreasing, but the aggregation coefficient is increasing, which shows that the cooperation project of the industry, University and research cooperation project participates in the individual. There is a tendency to form small internal groups, at the same time, the decrease of the average path length is more conducive to internal communication and knowledge diffusion, especially for the spread and diffusion of tacit knowledge. The efficiency is high. Under this strategy, increasing the number of projects to participate in the cooperation between individuals can promote the increase in the proportion of cooperative relations; the rate of timeliness is also high, but under this strategy, the cooperation relationship of the cooperation projects of production, learning and research is declining continuously, which is unfavorable to the establishment of the cooperative relationship of the research and research cooperation project.
In the social network with the characteristics of the scale without the scale, the effect of winning and losing and transferring strategy is less effective in promoting the cooperative relationship between the industry and research and research cooperation project quickly. At the same time, the cooperation relationship of the production, research and research cooperation project has been improved with the implementation of the project, but it is influenced by the proportion of the initial cooperation. The ratio of the final cooperative relationship is different, the higher proportion of the initial cooperation leads to the higher ratio of the final cooperative relationship, and the lower initial cooperation ratio, the ratio of the final cooperative relationship is still low. The increase in the proportion of cooperation and cooperation between enterprises and research institutes is faster, but the relative increase is not obviously improved. The results show that, when the cooperative relationship between the core stakeholders of the project is weak, the effective punishment measures can be taken to achieve the rapid cooperation relationship. With the rapid development of the project, with the gradual expansion of the scale of the project, we should also actively implement the management strategies to encourage and stimulate cooperation, in order to speed up the establishment of the cooperative relationship between the cooperative projects of production, learning and research, to ensure the cooperation effect of the cooperative project of the production, research and research, and to ensure the realization of the target of the project.
In this paper, the risk of the production, learning and research cooperation project is taken as the research object, and the research on the risk of the cooperative project is considered at present, and the governance risk caused by the structure evolution is ignored after the "embedded" social network structure of the cooperative project of the industry and Research Institute. Corresponding management strategies and suggestions are put forward. The main research innovations lie in the following three aspects:
1., expand the perspective of project governance risk research.



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