本文选题:科技孵化器 + 建档 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:科技是第一生产力,在我国立志于2049年成为科技强国的道路上,科技企业的创新能力不强成为最大的羁绊。而作为科技企业孵化摇篮的科技孵化器肩负着帮助中小科技企业健康快速成长的重大责任。科技孵化器是为中小科技企业服务的,想要为其创造良好的成长环境,就离不开档案工作的大力支持。 档案能成为一门独立的学科,成为现代信息社会中的一个重要门类,与它自身的独有特点分不开。它默默存在于一切社会活动之中,却肩负着为社会提供信息资源的重任。从古到今,它是行政管理的查考凭据、生产建设的参考依据、科学研究的可靠资料、宣传教育的生动素材以及维护国家、集体和个人权益的法律书证,被称为“历史文明之母”、“文化之母”。 2013年,笔者有幸来到怀远县科技创业中心实习,在实际的工作中,对其建档现状有了大致了解。虽然领导多次谈话,也有良好的建档意向,但是对于个只有两三年历史的科技孵化器,建档工作还是相对薄弱的,与孵化器发展规模和速度相比显滞后。笔者试着从建档模式中存在的问题入手,在对其进行认真分析后,大胆提出采取集中统一式建档模式是怀远县科技孵化器建档工作的最好出路,并试探性地给出几点改进措施。同时,笔者也将在这工作的近一年中,对集中建档模式落实的实施路径也写入文中。全文大致分为六个部分: 第一部分是绪论,主要用来介绍本文的研究目的、研究意义、国内外发展动态、研究内容、研究方法与研究思路、论文创新点及特色。 第二部分是科技孵化器建档模式的相关概念,主要有科技孵化器的类别、构成要素,怀远县级科技孵化器的性质定位及功能定位,科技孵化器建档模式的定义及组成要素,科技孵化器建档的必要性和侧重点等。 第三部分是对科技孵化器建档模式的探索。总结出四种建档模式,即集中统一式建档模式、分散式建档模式、协作式建档模式、社会托管式建档模式。分别对每种模式的特点、适用性及具体构建过程进行分析并给出选择建档模式的标准。 第四部分是对怀远县科技孵化器建档现状分析。结合怀远县创业中心的实际情况,将其建档现状拆分成建档主体、建档内容、建档制度和建档流程四个方面进行认识,并就总结出的建档模式中存在的四个问题进行剖析。 第五部分是关于怀远县科技孵化器建档模式改良的四点建议。这部分是针对前文找出的怀远县科技创业中心建档模式中存在的问题,给出了四点实际可行的改良意见。 第六部分是对怀远县科技孵化器建档模式改良的实践路径的研究。这部分在前文理论层面的研究基础上,将笔者在怀远县科技创业中心时着手实施建档模式的改良过程进行了详细地介绍。
[Abstract]:Science and technology is the first productive force. On the way that our country is determined to become a powerful country in science and technology in 2049, the innovation ability of science and technology enterprises is not strong enough to become the biggest fetters. As the cradle of science and technology enterprises, science and technology incubators shoulder the great responsibility of helping small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises grow healthily and rapidly. Science and technology incubator is for small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises to create a good growth environment can not be separated from the work of archives support. Archives can become an independent subject and an important category in modern information society, which can not be separated from its own unique characteristics. It exists silently in all social activities, but shoulders the responsibility of providing information resources for the society. From ancient to present, it is the evidence of administrative investigation, the reference basis for production and construction, the reliable materials for scientific research, the vivid materials for propaganda and education, and the legal documents for safeguarding the rights and interests of the state, the collective and the individual. It is called the Mother of Historical Civilization and the Mother of Culture. In 2013, I had the honour to practice in Huaiyuan County Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center. Although the leaders have talked many times, they have good intention to file, but for a science and technology incubator with a history of only two or three years, the archiving work is relatively weak, and compared with the scale and speed of the development of the incubator, it is obviously lagging behind. The author tries to start with the problems existing in the archiving mode, and after analyzing it seriously, boldly puts forward that it is the best way out for the archiving work of the science and technology incubator in Huaiyuan County to adopt the centralized and unified archiving mode, and puts forward some measures to improve it tentatively. At the same time, the author will also write the implementation path of centralized archival mode in the past year. The full text is divided into six parts: The first part is the introduction, which is mainly used to introduce the research purpose, research significance, domestic and foreign development trends, research content, research methods and research ideas, innovative points and characteristics of the paper. The second part is the related concept of technology incubator archival mode, mainly includes the category of science and technology incubator, the constituent elements, the nature orientation and function orientation of Huaiyuan county science and technology incubator, the definition and component elements of the technology incubator archival mode. The necessity and emphasis of setting up archives of science and technology incubator. The third part is the exploration of the establishment model of science and technology incubator. Four kinds of archiving modes are summarized, that is, centralized unified archiving mode, decentralized archival mode, cooperative archival mode and social trust archival mode. The characteristics, applicability and construction process of each model are analyzed, and the criteria for selecting the archival model are given. The fourth part is to Huaiyuan county science and technology incubator establishment present situation analysis. According to the actual situation of Huaiyuan County's pioneering center, the present situation of archival establishment is divided into four aspects: the main body, the content, the system and the flow, and the four problems in the archival mode are analyzed. The fifth part is about Huaiyuan county science and technology incubator establishment model improvement four suggestions. This part is aimed at the problems existing in the archival model of Huaiyuan County Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, and gives four practical and feasible suggestions for improvement. The sixth part is to Huaiyuan county science and technology incubator establishment model improvement practice path research. In this part, based on the previous theoretical research, the author introduces in detail the improvement process of implementing the archival model in Huaiyuan County Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center.
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