[Abstract]:Just as information construction is rising with the deepening of information management research, the concept of knowledge construction emerges in the crack of knowledge management. At the same time, with the rise of knowledge ecology research, the concept of knowledge construction has gradually become familiar to more scholars and industry. As a new research field, knowledge construction has not been paid much attention so far. So far, the research objects, research scope and research methods in this field have not been unanimously recognized.
The reason why knowledge construction has become the main topic discussed in this paper lies in the "concept of construction" contained in it. The research background of this paper is that the promotion of knowledge management in the organization has encountered a bottleneck, and the discussion about whether knowledge in the organization should be managed and how to implement it has gone hand in hand. The complexity of knowledge relations further aggravates the appearance of knowledge paradox.
To this end, the paper begins with the knowledge network relationship and the epistemology problem in which knowledge is located, and divides the problem into the route and mechanism of organizing knowledge, including the relationship among the elements of knowledge and the regularity of their activities. Actually, activities are difficult to manage or even unmanageable, and knowledge value should be realized on the basis of organizational value by controlling the internal mechanism of organizational knowledge.
Compared with the "management view" of organizational knowledge, the "construction view" of organizational knowledge aims at the problem of organizational knowledge management introduction in an innovative environment. This paper discusses how to establish the relationship between knowledge and organization, knowledge and process, knowledge and value in an organization by means of "construction view", and the internal mechanism and regularity of it. And build the value of organizational knowledge.
This paper discusses the environmental relevance of knowledge and the law of circular transformation from knowledge process to knowledge result. It holds that the essence of procedural knowledge is wave-particle duality of knowledge, but it will eventually achieve the unity of knowledge between entity and procedurality. Knowledge is the organizational state of knowledge; knowledge of different organizational structures can be achieved through organizational planning.
This paper discusses the entry and exit mechanism of organizational knowledge by establishing a quantitative representation system of knowledge contribution such as knowledge equivalence and knowledge equivalent product, and holds that organizational knowledge should be evaluated according to the law of value decay to replace the entry and evaluation of organizational knowledge. The widely used organizational knowledge acquisition mechanism, but the latter is an improvement on the former. The two will eventually construct the acquisition mechanism of organizational knowledge on the basis of integrating their respective characteristics.
The paper holds that knowledge value is realized through organizational value. Oriented by the result of organizational value, the orientation of organizational knowledge construction should follow the knowledge strategy of "value decides goal, goal decides strategy, strategy decides knowledge", which is the key factor to enhance knowledge value. Continuous improvement is an important means, while knowledge-driven culture fundamentally guarantees the continuity and inheritance of organizational value. Both of them constitute an important mechanism for the realization of result-oriented knowledge value.
The paper holds that the value of organizational knowledge is embodied in the organizational value generated by the reuse of knowledge in the future and others.
As a conclusion, the paper concludes that because of the self-organization of knowledge, knowledge and knowledge activities in an organization are difficult to manage or even unmanageable, but the knowledge and knowledge activities of an organization can be effectively controlled. This is also the implementation route of organizational knowledge based on the concept of construction.
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