发布时间:2018-04-02 23:09
本文选题:体育旅游 切入点:开发模式 出处:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:短短几十年,我国已一跃成为中等发达的发展中国家,以惊人的速度先后超过德国和日本成为第二大经济体。在这个过程中,我国中产阶级和富裕阶层迅速扩大,根据凤凰传媒报道:“每1300个人中就有一个资产超过1000万人民币的千万富翁。”在各个产业蓬勃发展的同时,越来越多的富翁被“生产”出来,而且由于他们刚刚步入富裕阶层,对自己及家人的生活品质有着很强的改善意愿和强大的购买力,这让我们看到了巨大的商机。根据全国假日旅游部协调会议办公室发布的《2013年“十一”黄金周旅游统计报告》显示:2013年“十一”黄金周期间,全国共接待游客42800万人次,共实现旅游收入2233亿元人民币。根据重庆市旅游局公开信息:全市共接待海内外游客1609.72万人次,同比增长6.58%;旅游综合收入49.03亿元,同比增长6.77%。对如此庞大的产业进行分析研究,无论从学术角度还是民生角度都具有重大意义,对于有着丰富旅游资源而接待旅客数仅占全国总数的3.8%,旅游总收入仅占到全国总数的2.2%的重庆而言,也担负着产业振兴的使命。基于以上行业现状,结合本人情况选取“重庆市体育旅游开发模式与对策研究”作为研究方向。 本文在进行重庆市体育旅游开发模式与对策研究时,主要介绍以下六个方面的内容:首先介绍重庆市体育旅游开发研究的背景、选题依据、研究意义、研究方法和主要研究内容;第二个方面介绍体育旅游的概念、特点、类型以及开发的支持理论和原则;第三个方面介绍国内外体育旅游开发的模式;接下来介绍重庆市体育旅游开发基础性分析,具体包括重庆体育旅游开发现状、资源特征并进行重庆体育旅游开发的SWOT分析;第五个方面是研究重庆旅游的开发模式;最后一个方面是介绍研究重庆市体育旅游的开发策略。 所应用的研究方法和理论有:除文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法外,还利用SWOT分析模式,针对重庆市体育旅游开发的内部因素和外部因素分别进行了分析,全面客观、细致深入的阐述了重庆市体育旅游开发所面临的优势和劣势,可把握的机遇及存在的威胁。同时引入“需求与供给理论”“目标管理”“马斯洛理论”结合“目标客户群体定位”等构建重庆市体育旅游开发的综合分析系统,图文并茂的说明重庆市体育旅游开发模式的研究成果。在最后一章对策略进行结构化分析,并辅以“品牌建设理论”丰富研究内容。 本文的研究结论是重庆市体育旅游开发模式,应以体育旅游的需求为主体,以体育旅游产业发展为导向、以体育旅游资源为依托,从体育旅游的内容的角度考虑,可以应用“单一型”、“复合型”及“附带型”三种发展模式,从体育旅游产业发展的角度考虑,可以应用“旅游+体育”、“体育+旅游”及资源类开发三种模式。策略方面可以采取“复合型“、专业型”及树立体育旅游品牌这三种策略,结合以上发展模式和策略可以实现重庆市体育旅游的发展。
[Abstract]:Just a few decades, China has become the medium developed countries, at an alarming rate has exceeded that of Germany and Japan to become the second largest economy. In this process, China's rapidly expanding middle class and wealthy, according to Phoenix media reported: "every 1300 people have a more than 10 million yuan of assets of 10 million millionaire." in various industries to flourish at the same time, more and more rich is "production", but also because they had just stepped into the rich, quality to yourself and your family life have a strong willingness to improve and strong purchasing power, which allows us to see a huge opportunity. According to the national holiday tourism coordination department the meeting issued by the office of the <2013 "eleven" Golden Week tourism statistics report "shows: 2013" eleven "during the golden week, a total of 428 million tourists trips, a total of the brigade Tourism revenue 223 billion 300 million yuan. According to the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of tourism public information: the city's total tourists 16 million 97 thousand and 200 passengers, an increase of 6.58%; tourism revenue 4 billion 903 million yuan, study on such a huge industry grew by 6.77%., are of great significance both from the academic angle or the angle of people's livelihood, for the rich tourism resources the number of visitors to the country accounted for only 3.8% of the total, the total tourism revenue accounted for only 2.2% of the national total in Chongqing, also responsible for the revitalization of the industry mission. These industries based on the status quo, combined with the human condition selects "Chongqing city sports tourism development model and Countermeasures Research" as a research direction.
In this paper, Chongqing city sports tourism development model and countermeasures, mainly introduces the following six aspects: firstly, introduce the research and development of sports tourism in Chongqing city in the background, the selected topic basis, research significance, research methods and main research contents; second aspects introduces the concept, types and characteristics of sports tourism, the development of the theory of support and principles; the third aspects of the development of sports tourism at home and abroad; then introduce the analysis of Chongqing city sports tourism development foundation, including the Chongqing sports tourism development status, resource characteristics and SWOT analysis of sports tourism development in Chongqing; the fifth aspect is the study of Chongqing tourism development pattern; the last aspect is the development of study on the strategy of Chongqing city sports tourism.
Study on the theory and method which is applied: in addition to the literature method, interview method, logic analysis method, using the SWOT analysis model, according to the internal factors of Chongqing city sports tourism development and external factors are analyzed comprehensively and objectively, thoroughly elaborated facing the Chongqing city sports tourism development advantages and disadvantages sure, opportunities and threats. At the same time the introduction of "supply and demand" theory of "target management" "Maslow theory" and "target customer groups positioning" construction of Chongqing city sports tourism development of the comprehensive analysis system, illustrated that the research results of Chongqing city sports tourism development model. In the last chapter of the strategy for structural analysis, supplemented by "brand building" theory enrich the research content.
The conclusion of this paper is Chongqing city sports tourism development mode, should be based on the demand of sports tourism as the main body, to the development of sports tourism industry oriented to sports tourism resources as the basis, from the point of view the content of sports tourism, can be used "single type", "three kinds of development model of composite type" and "collateral type" considering the development of sports tourism industry point of view, can be applied to "Travel + sports", "sports + tourism" and the resource development strategy. Three models can take "compound" professional "and establish the sports tourism brand of the three strategies, combined with the above development mode and strategy can achieve development in Chongqing sports tourism in the city.
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