本文选题:旅游资源 + 开发 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the leisure and holiday era in the 21st century, the key period of tourism development is the construction of "ecological civilization", "charming China", "beautiful countryside" and "tourism prospering province" in Henan Province, Xinyang City "one corridor, two belts and four districts". Xi Xi Lake is faced with rare opportunities for development. In order to strengthen the construction of tourist areas, comprehensive management of the environment, increase the strength of the comprehensive system of natural resources and environmental protection, rationally develop and utilize resources, and improve the ecological environment, the concept of leisure tourism is widely accepted by the people. This paper takes the construction project of Xixihu Lake tourist area in Xinyang City as a typical case, using the method of combining theoretical research and empirical analysis to collect and study the relevant research materials at home and abroad. And to Xixi Lake Scenic spot field investigation and research, in-depth research, and strive to achieve the organic combination of theory and practice. Through a deep understanding of the tourism resources, market demand, location conditions and environment, spatial layout, construction scheme, supporting facilities construction and so on, the paper aims at the present situation of Xi Xi Lake in Xinyang City. Adhering to the basic idea of "regional comprehensive development value", with the view of internationalization and foresight, the paper puts forward the development and construction plan of Xishi Lake ecotourism area in Xinyang, which is based on the natural background and takes the leisure culture as the clue. Taking the old middle and young age as the object, this paper creatively puts forward the ideal framework of "one link, five districts and ten scenes", analyzes the necessity and feasibility of developing the Xishi Lake tourism area project in Xinyang City, and puts forward the project conception and feasibility scheme of Xishi Lake tourism area in Xinyang City. The first chapter introduces the research background, research significance, domestic and foreign research status, research methods, research objectives and research contents, technical routes, and so on, so as to establish a sound foundation for further specific research. The second to fifth chapters, on the basis of comprehensive application of relevant theories such as economics, tourism planning, financial management and investment analysis, combined with the reality of Xixihu Lake tourist area, put forward solutions to the problems and development and construction plans. The feasibility of the development and construction of the tourism project is demonstrated through the feasibility of market, environment, macro economy and management team. Chapters VI to 7, through an analysis of the financial and economic benefits of the proposed development and construction programme, including the total investment required for the project, the investment in fixed assets and the liquidity required, and the projected capacity, Finally, the financial statements are compiled, and the feasibility of the construction of Xixi Lake Scenic area is demonstrated and analyzed. Through the analysis and demonstration of market analysis and construction scale, site selection, construction scheme selection, environmental impact assessment, financial evaluation, social evaluation and risk analysis, the paper draws the conclusion that the project is not only necessary but also feasible. And finally formed a complete feasibility study report.
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