本文选题:红三角 + PC游客网络关注度 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2017年01期
[Abstract]:[objective] to reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of the attention of PC and mobile tourists in the "Red Triangle" and its influencing factors, and to analyze the marginal effects of these factors. Analyze the similarities and differences between the two. [methods] collect tourists' network attention and other relevant data, use seasonal intensity index, geographical concentration index and gravity model, Statistical analysis and comparison were made. [results] 1the degree of attention of mobile tourists was relatively high, the range of fluctuation in the year was larger than that of PC tourists in the year, and the range of changes in the network of PC tourists was relatively low in the year. However, the degree of response is different. PC tourists' network attention has obvious precursory effect, while mobile tourists' network attention has no obvious precursory effect. The response degree of mobile tourists' network attention to holidays is higher than that of PC tourists' network attention. During the Spring Festival and the National Day, the network attention of mobile tourists was inclined "L" and "M" during the Spring Festival and the National Day respectively, and the network attention of the mobile tourists was inclined to "L" during the Spring Festival and the National Day, and the network attention of the PC tourists was inclined to "L" during the Spring Festival and the National Day. The peak value of the golden week appeared on the third day after the holiday. PC and the monthly change of the mobile tourists' internet attention were all in the form of a mountain. However, there is a reverse correlation between the trends of the two changes. The seasonal relative smaller. 3PC and mobile tourists' network attention spatial distribution are basically the same in Shandong Province, Shandong Province, Shandong Province, Shandong Province, Shandong Province, The scale distribution of PC and mobile tourist network attention in 7 provinces of Henan and other provinces is consistent, while there is a big deviation between PC and mobile tourist network attention scale distribution in other provinces. There are great differences between PC and mobile tourists in the change of the focus of attention on the network. On the whole, the center of gravity of the network of PC tourists is more inclined to the northeast direction. PC has the same influence factors on the spatial distribution of the network attention of mobile tourists. But there are obvious differences in the network popularization rate and the influence degree of various factors. [conclusion] the related results can provide a reference for enriching the research on tourism and information flow and promoting the development of tourist market in Hunan "Red Triangle".
【作者单位】: 湘潭大学旅游管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(No.41501156) 湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金(No.15B243) 湖南省社科基金(No.14JD56)
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