[Abstract]:GPS and recall log are important methods in behavioral research, but the empirical research on their accuracy and difference space is still lacking. Taking Gulangyu, Xiamen as an example, based on the recall log and GPS data collected in 2014-2015, the accuracy of the two behavioral research methods is compared. The accuracy comparison includes path coincidence rate, behavior chain matching degree, time cost matching degree and distance difference and spatial difference at the level of case, and analyzes the characteristics and reasons of the difference space. Gulangyu is a "lost" historical and cultural scenic spot. The empirical results show that: (1) the coincidence rate between recall log and GPS is between 30% and 50%; (2) the accuracy of behavior chain calculated by LeWeinstein method is between 40% and 50%, (3) the similar precision of residence time is between 20% and 50%. In addition to individual factors, memory forgetting, complex roads, similar architecture, numerous scenic spots and similar business patterns are also important factors for the formation of differences on Gulangyu. In addition, the universality of the study is as follows: (1) for the study of walking behavior at the micro scale of scenic spots, it is applicable to use 50m grid and 5-minute stopover discrimination as GPS behavior chain automation processing method; (2) the difference space between GPS and recall is helpful to better understand the spatial characteristics of tourist spots and upgrade the scenic spots; (3) the combination of traditional questionnaire and modern GPS will be an important approach and trend in the field of individual refinement behavior modeling.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院城市规划系;同济大学建筑与城市规划学院城市规划系;
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