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发布时间:2018-01-31 01:31

  本文关键词: 品牌 品牌识别 味聚特 创立品牌 应用研究 出处:《西南财经大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 一直以来,国内的农产品加工工业由于其较低的市场门槛和不复杂的加工工艺,几乎差不多的质量加上流星一样的品牌失败给农产品加工业造成了一个很大的误区:那就是农产品加工业很难作品牌,甚至没有办法作品牌,即使是作了品牌,也会象流星一样很快消失。这个悲观的情绪对中国的农产品加工业带来了很大的消极的负面影响,使中国的农产品加工业一直在少品牌、低水平、低附加值的泥坛徘徊,严重影响了中国农产品加工业向高水平、高附加值、国际化、品牌化方向的发展。 近年以来,随着人们认识水平的提高,不少农产品加工企业也开始研究企业如何运作品牌的问题,但限于各方面的原因,企业对品牌的认识不够,更不知道如何运作品牌。基本上都将品牌和品牌识别割裂开来研究,使一大堆品牌资源最后被闲置和浪费,自吹自擂的叫嚣一阵就觉得在作品牌了,根本没办法做好品牌传播。如何运用品牌理论打造农产品加工业的知名品牌是具有非常重要研究价值的课题,本文将以此为题。 本文分四章,第一章阐述了品牌与产品的异同、品牌的特征和品牌的内涵、品牌的功能与作用、详细阐述了品牌识别理论及其在企业管理中的重要意义和作用。第二章对泡菜行业以及品牌在该行业的运用现状做了较为详尽的分析。第三章,对味聚特利用品牌和品牌识别理论打造知名品牌的过程做了系统的分析和总结。第四章,对味聚特运用品牌理论打造知名品牌概括了6条对其他企业有价值的经验和启示。同时对目前存在的问题也做了分析。总结出的四川省味聚特食品有限公司将品牌与品牌识别有机结合在企业品牌建设中的成功经验和启示,对国内许多农产品加工业特别是许多新建的民营食品企业如何运作品牌具有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:All along, the domestic agricultural products processing industry due to its low market threshold and not complex processing technology. Almost the same quality combined with the failure of the meteor-like brand has caused a great misunderstanding to the agricultural product processing industry: it is very difficult for the agricultural product processing industry to make a brand, or even to make a brand, even if it is made a brand. This pessimism has had a great negative impact on the agricultural products processing industry in China, which has made the agricultural products processing industry in China always have fewer brands and lower levels. The low added value clay altar has seriously affected the development of Chinese agricultural products processing industry towards high level, high added value, internationalization and brand. In recent years, with the improvement of people's understanding level, many agricultural product processing enterprises also began to study how to operate the brand, but limited to various reasons, enterprises do not know enough about the brand. Not knowing how to operate a brand. Basically, brand and brand identity are separated from the study, so that a large number of brand resources are left idle and wasted, boastful clamor for a while feel in the brand. There is no way to do a good job of brand communication. How to use the brand theory to create a well-known brand in the agricultural product processing industry is a topic of very important research value, this paper will take this as the topic. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter expounds the similarities and differences between brands and products, the characteristics and connotation of brands, the functions and functions of brands. The theory of brand identification and its significance and role in enterprise management are described in detail. The second chapter makes a detailed analysis of the pickle industry and the current situation of brand application in the industry. Chapter three. This paper makes a systematic analysis and summary of the process of making famous brand by using the theory of brand and brand identification. 4th chapter. This paper summarizes six valuable experiences and enlightenments to other enterprises by using the brand theory to build famous brands. At the same time, it also analyzes the existing problems, and sums up the products of Sichuan Weijute Food Co., Ltd. The successful experience and enlightenment of brand identification combined with brand identification in enterprise brand construction. It has certain guiding significance for many agricultural products processing industry, especially many newly-built private food enterprises how to operate the brand.


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