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发布时间:2018-02-24 21:11

  本文关键词: 民办体育学校 品牌 建设 宋江武术学校 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民办教育在改革开放的三十多年里为我国教育事业所取得的举世瞩目的成绩做出了巨大的贡献;民办学校对于提高我国的教育能力,建设全民终身学习型社会具有重要的作用。随着《全民健身计划纲要》等一系列政策法规的颁布以及人们逐渐认识到体育锻炼对我们的工作、学习和生活有着重要的作用,我国的大众体育受到越来越多的欢迎,这在一定程度上不仅加大了居民消费支出中体育教育消费的比重,而且也进一步促进了民办体育学校建设和发展。但是,我国民办体育学校在其品牌的建设和发展的道路上并不算是一马平川,而是面临着许许多多的困难和阻碍。 许多专家和学者已经对我国民办体育学校的建设和发展现状以及存在的问题进行的研究,并提出了许多的建议和对策,但在加强民办体育学校的品牌建设和做强做大民办体育学校品牌方面的研究极其溃乏。本文借鉴众多专家和学者已有的研究成果,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、个案研究法和数理统计等研究方法,研究当前我国民办体育学校品牌建设存在的问题并围绕市场有效、政府有为和社会参与三方面提出几点对策,,并对宋江武术学校做实地考察,并作为典型案例进行分析。研究得出如下几点结论: 1、改革开放三十多年来,我国民办体育学校的品牌建设和发展均取得了显著的成果。我国民办体育学校品牌建设的优势:改革教育体制、吸引民间资本和培养急需人才;管理权限大、专业设置灵活和经验的积累。劣势:师资建设比较落后;政策法规不够完善。机遇:政策支持;社会需求;体制改革。挑战:竞争处于劣势;办学理念不一。 2、民办体育学校品牌建设的要素包括:民办体育学校品牌建设的核心——品牌专业;民办体育学校品牌建设支柱的外在表征——品牌校长;民办体育学校品牌建设的支撑——学校文化;民办体育学校品牌的维护则要从品牌维护的意识开始,通过内外途径维护;民办体育学校品牌传播的途径主要为广告传播、人员传播、公关传播网络传播;民办体育学校可以凭借已有的品牌影响力通过多种渠道进行拓展,比如校办企业和出版机构等渠道。 3、宋江武校品牌建设取得的成效归因于科学的品牌定位、卓越的品牌建设、严格的品牌管理、经典的春晚媒体品牌传播和可持续的武术观光旅游延伸品牌。 4、影响民办体育学校品牌建设的因素是民办体育学校的师资流动率高、政府和社会捐助少、保障性法律政策体制不完善等问题,给我国民办体育学校在品牌建设的道路上增添了不少的障碍和阻力。 5、针对民办体育学校品牌的建设和发展所面临的问题,除了民办体育学校内部做出积极的应对措施外,建议政府等有关部门进一步建立和完善法律法规,制定切实可行的政策法规,将民办体育学校品牌的建设和发展纳入法制化道路上来,为民办体育学校的品牌建设提供必要的法律保障。另外,民办体育学校所面临的问题需要有市场、政府和社会三方面的共同努力才能得到有效的解决。
[Abstract]:Non - governmental education has made great contributions to the achievements of China ' s education in more than 30 years . Private schools play an important role in improving our country ' s educational ability and building a lifelong learning society . Many experts and scholars have studied the present situation and existing problems of the construction and development of private sports schools in China , and put forward many suggestions and countermeasures . 1 . After the reform and opening - up for more than 30 years , the brand construction and development of China ' s private sports schools have achieved remarkable achievements . The advantages of the brand construction of the private sports schools in China are : reforming the education system , attracting the private capital and cultivating the urgently needed talents ; the management authority is large , the professional setting is flexible and the experience is accumulated . The disadvantages : the teacher - funded construction is relatively backward ; the policies and regulations are not perfect . The opportunity : the policy support ; the social demand ; the institutional reform . The challenge : the competition is at a disadvantage ; the idea of running a school is different . 2 . The key elements of the brand construction of private sports school include : the core of the brand construction of the private sports school ; the outside of the brand building pillar of the private sports school ; the supporting _ school culture ; the maintenance of the brand of the private sports school ; 3 . The success of the construction of the brand construction in the Song River is attributed to the scientific brand positioning , the excellent brand construction , the strict brand management , the classic spring and late media brand communication and the sustainable martial arts sightseeing tourism extension brand . 4 . The factors that affect the brand construction of private sports schools are the high turnover of teachers and teachers , less government and social donation , imperfect legal policy system and so on , which add a lot of obstacles and resistance to the construction of brand building in China ' s private sports schools . 5 . In view of the problems faced by the construction and development of the private sports school brand , the government and other relevant departments are recommended to further establish and perfect the laws and regulations , formulate practical policies and regulations , put the construction and development of the private sports school brand into the legal road , and provide the necessary legal guarantee for the construction and development of the private sports school .



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