本文选题:海峡两岸龙舟赛 + 体育赛事 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more sports events in the development of open, sports and competitions have become essential to people's lives in a "flavor". While the domestic folk sports events also shine in this time! The national folk sports events such as the dragon and Lion Dance Championships, Shuttlecock Championship, even the largest of the folk sports of national minority sports, in these years are developing like a raging fire, and as the classic folk events are closely linked to the Dragon Boat Festival and dragon boat races, will develop better and better! With the competition of sports industry and the healthy development of the market, I at present the annual Dragon Boat races are numerous, which only a few events to the full implementation of the event only talent shows itself, brand building and improve its competition with Set of activities to get the attention of people, but also to let the people involved. This paper focuses on the tankahkeei cup King Yin cup cross strait dragon boat race this event brand building research, through the literature of the tournament, carries on the analysis and research, from that place to the competition of brand building excels and insufficient. Through the collation and analysis of literature, this dragon boat races conducted a series of summing up history: including the dragon boat races, the current development status and ten years previous events characteristics and conditions. Then according to the characteristics and development course of this event, the research of brand construction in the main event, from the recognition of the brand, brand positioning, core competitiveness and the media to study four aspects. On the basis of the research results can draw the following conclusions: tankahkeei cup King Brand recognition Xian cup cross strait dragon boat race mainly through the event name, characters and theme and so on to improve the awareness of the brand competition; its brand positioning is based on the public welfare and festivals, and in the cross-strait exchanges, this event has become a cultural bridge; core competitiveness is the most important for a sports event, and the event has a natural and humanistic environment and richly endowed by nature, geographical advantages, coupled with the country and the government's concern and support, make the competition more competitive; of course, a transmission power also cannot do without the media into brand competition, a ring of events brand building, brand communication is very important, it can improve the competition of brand communication value, cultivate more loyal fans of the tournament.
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