发布时间:2018-05-21 21:31
本文选题:品牌资产 + 资产测度 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2009年博士论文
【摘要】: 20世纪80年代以来,随着市场经济的快速发展,世界掀起了品牌收购、兼并的狂潮,品牌资产已经成为企业竞争力的主要来源,是决定企业持续发展的决定性因素。于是,关于品牌资产的研究日益引起营销管理人员和学者的广泛关注,并引发了有关品牌资产的涵义、测度及运行机制等多方面的系统研究。 进入20世纪90年代,随着我国市场竞争和企业国际化进程地加剧,企业资产重组、兼并、融资等一系列经济活动频繁发生,品牌意识开始逐渐影响我国经济。但由于品牌意识在我国产生时间短,品牌管理的专业化水平不够完善,对品牌资产系统的认识和全面的了解还比较缺乏。所以深入挖掘品牌资产构成、测度及其影响因素的企业少之又少,这必将严重阻碍我国企业的健康稳步发展。那么,如何在借鉴西方先进理论的基础上,结合我国市场实际情况,运用相关理论解决我国企业所面临的品牌资产问题,已成为我国企业在发展过程中必须面对的一个重要课题。品牌资产作为一种无形资产,反映了企业发展的潜力,决定了企业的长期竞争力,并体现出消费者对品牌的忠诚,如何量化品牌资产,具有十分重要的现实意义。本文关于品牌资产模型与测度方法的研究将对企业把握自身品牌的优劣势,提升品牌资产的价值,在竞争中取胜有着极其重要的理论指导作用及应用价值。 本文在吸收和借鉴了国内外学者研究成果的基础上,运用比较分析、问卷调查、数学方法、实证研究、系统分析等方法进行品牌资产模型与测度方法的研究。本文首先介绍了品牌及品牌资产的基本理论,界定了品牌及品牌资产的内涵。其次根据消费者心理的品牌知识,采用深度访谈的方式,勾画了中国消费者的品牌知识图像,并建构了一个我国基于消费者的品牌资产模型。再次运用实证分析的方法对模型进行假设检验,进而提炼出品牌资产的维度。最后在介绍和评析国内外比较有代表性的品牌资产测度方法的基础上,构建了本文的综合企业和消费者两大因素的品牌资产综合测度法,并运用该方法进行实证研究。 本论文共分8章,各章主要内容如下: 第1章导论,介绍论文研究的背景、目的和意义,提出论文的研究方法、思路和内容。 第2章是品牌及品牌资产理论述评。在综合分析国内外学者关于品牌学说的基础上,提出本文品牌的含义。通过品牌资产的文献的研究,发现品牌资产作为企业的一种重要经营资源,其概念的提出有助于把握品牌的内涵,有助于体现和量化品牌资产的价值,并提出了本文品牌资产的涵义,方便了规范研究,从而找到本文可以切入的角度。 第3章是品牌资产模型评析。本章对国外学者的凯勒模型、艾克模型、贝尔模型、趋势模型、金字塔模型以及国内学者所建立的一些著名的,具有典型意义的品牌资产模型进行研究和剖析,汲取其中精髓,,为建立新的品牌资产模型进行理论上的指导。 第4章是基于消费者的品牌资产模型构建。本章首先采用深度访谈的方式,通过与消费者面对面的交流,勾画出中国消费者的品牌知识图像。其次在借鉴国外学者Aaker、Keller、Yoo和Donthu等人研究模型的基础上,并结合深度访谈得出的结果提出基于消费者的品牌资产模型,并针对模型提出相关的假设。再次进行实证设计,主要包括行业选择、样本选择、测量量表开发、问卷的设计等方面。最后在对调查问卷所搜集到的数据进行分析的基础上,运用描述性分析法、信度分析、相关分析、方差分析等方法,采用SPSS14.0的统计工具,对前述假设及模型进行实证检验,并得到证实。从而构建出我国基于消费者的品牌资产模型。 第5章是品牌资产测度理论与方法评析。首先介绍品牌资产测度的基本理论。然后分别对基于财务要素的测度方法、基于市场要素的测度方法、基于消费者的测度方法进行评析。最后通过研究得出品牌资产测度方法应该综合企业和消费者两大因素的结论,为下一章探讨品牌资产综合测度法奠定了深厚的基础。 第6章是品牌资产综合测度法构建。本章在对现有方法研究的基础上,尝试探讨品牌资产测度新方法,即对英特品牌法加以改进,赋予了品牌作用指数和品牌强度新的涵义,增加了消费者品牌作用指数、消费者的品牌强度的概念,这样,品牌作用指数由消费者的品牌作用指数和企业的品牌作用指数构成,品牌强度由企业的品牌强度和消费者的品牌强度组成。并运用了重要性排序的方法及层次分析法来计算相应的指标权重,同时引入了模糊数学方法,对多影响因素的评价对象进行综合评判,从而增强测度的合理性。 第7章是实证研究。本章结合啤酒行业的“青啤”品牌就综合测度法的应用进行研究。 第8章是结论。文章对全文的研究进行了总结,得出主要结论及本文的创新点,同时提出了研究存在的局限性和进一步研究的方向。 本文在对品牌资产的测度研究过程中,得到的主要结论如下: 1.品牌资产是一种无形资产,它体现企业的整体形象,是给企业带来未来的稳定的超额收益。品牌作为无形资产的价值,它一方面取决于企业对品牌所作的所有努力,另一方面也取决于消费者对品牌的心理认知,是企业和消费者共同作用的结果。 2.基于消费者的品牌资产来源于消费者心理的品牌知识,消费者品牌知识又受市场环境的影响。基于消费者的品牌资产模型由品牌知名度、品牌联想、感知质量、感知价值、品牌忠诚度五个维度构成。此研究成果为品牌资产测度方法的建立奠定了理论基础,同时为研究消费者的品牌强度提供了指标。 3.品牌资产综合测度法的构建应综合考虑企业和消费者两大因素。本文对英特品牌法进行改进,增加了消费者的因素。从而使测度方法更科学、更全面地反映品牌资产的来源。 4.品牌作用指数由消费者的品牌作用指数和企业的品牌作用指数构成。两者的影响因素要根据具体研究的品牌来定。在确定品牌作用指数时,可以运用重要性排序法和层次分析法,这样避免了品牌作用指数过于主观性。同时采用了模糊数学方法,对多影响因素的评价对象进行综合评判,从而增强测度的合理性。这一方法在实施过程中较为简单,在实践中具有一定的可操作性。 5.品牌强度由消费者的品牌强度和企业的品牌强度构成。消费者的品牌强度从消费者的角度来衡量品牌强度,它由品牌知名度、感知质量、品牌联想、感知价值、品牌忠诚度五维度组成。企业的品牌强度从企业或市场角度来衡量品牌强度,它是从领导力、稳定力、市场力、国际力、趋势力、支持力、保护力七个指标进行描述。 6.由于条件所限,本文只对青啤的品牌资产价值进行了测度。测度的目的不在于得到一个或几个数据,因为方法的科学性并不能通过几个数据来体现,而需要市场来检验。 本文的研究不仅对品牌资产测度实践具有一定指导意义,在理论上也具有一定的创新,期望为我国品牌资产测度体系的标准化提供一定的参考。本文的创新点如下: 1.在对国内外学者关于品牌及品牌资产涵义进行探讨的基础上,提出了本文品牌及品牌资产的涵义 国内外学者由于他们研究的角度不同,对品牌及品牌资产的理解也不一样。本文通过对品牌及品牌资产各种涵义的深刻剖析,提出了品牌及品牌资产的涵义,从而找出本文可以切入的角度,为后面的品牌资产模型与测度方法的研究奠定了深厚的基础。 2.勾画出我国消费者的品牌知识“图像”,并构建基于消费者的品牌资产模型 本文采用深度访谈的方式,通过与消费者面对面的交流,勾画出我国消费者的品牌知识“图像”。在借鉴国外学者研究品牌资产模型的基础上,并结合深度访谈得出的结果提出基于消费者的品牌资产模型,模型由五个维度构成,并针对模型提出相关的假设。通过实证设计,并对调查问卷所搜集到的数据进行分析的基础上,运用描述性分析法、信度分析、相关分析、方差分析等方法,对假设及模型进行实证检验,并得到证实。 3.构建了品牌资产综合测度法 在总结及借鉴现有的品牌资产测度方法的基础上,对英特品牌法加以改进,赋予了品牌作用指数和品牌强度新的涵义。创新性地将消费者因素引入到品牌资产的测度之中,增加了消费者品牌作用指数、消费者的品牌强度的概念,从而构建了品牌资产综合测度法。 4.重要排序法与模糊数学法的运用 目前测度品牌资产主要是利用调查法、统计处理方法和层次分析法,本文在利用现有方法的基础上,创新性地利用重要排序法确定了消费者的品牌作用指数,利用模糊数学方法对影响因素的评价对象进行综合评判。
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, with the rapid development of the market economy, the world set off the brand acquisition, the tide of merger, the brand assets have become the main source of the competitiveness of the enterprises and the decisive factor that determines the sustainable development of the enterprises. A systematic study of the meaning, measurement and operation mechanism of brand equity has been made.
In 1990s, as China's market competition and the process of enterprise internationalization intensified, a series of economic activities such as enterprise assets reorganization, merger, financing and other economic activities frequently occurred. Brand awareness began to affect our country's economy. However, because of the short time of brand awareness in our country, the professional level of brand management is not perfect, and the brand assets are not perfect. The understanding and comprehensive understanding of the system are still scarce. Therefore, there are few enterprises to dig into the composition of brand assets, measure and influence factors, which will seriously hamper the healthy and steady development of Chinese enterprises. Then, how to use relevant theories to solve me on the basis of the advanced western theories and the actual situation of our market. The problem of brand assets faced by Chinese enterprises has become an important subject in the development process of Chinese enterprises. As an intangible asset, brand assets reflect the potential of the development of the enterprise, determine the long-term competitiveness of the enterprise, and reflect the loyalty of consumers to the brand and how to quantify the brand assets. The research on the brand asset model and measurement method will have a very important theoretical guiding role and application value for the enterprise to grasp the advantages and disadvantages of its own brand, to improve the value of the brand asset and to win in the competition.
On the basis of absorbing and drawing on the research results of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper uses comparative analysis, questionnaire survey, mathematical method, empirical research, systematic analysis and other methods to study the brand asset model and measure method. This paper first introduces the basic theory of brand and brand assets, defines the connotation of brand and brand assets. Secondly, it defines the connotation of brand and brand assets. According to the brand knowledge of consumer psychology, the brand knowledge image of Chinese consumers is outlined by means of deep interview, and a brand equity model based on consumer is constructed in China. The model is tested by the method of empirical analysis, and then the dimension of brand assets is extracted. Finally, it is introduced and evaluated in the country. On the basis of the representative method of measuring brand assets, this paper constructs the comprehensive measure method of brand assets of the two factors of the comprehensive enterprise and the consumer, and uses this method to carry on the empirical study.
This paper is divided into 8 chapters, the main contents of each chapter are as follows:
The first chapter, introduction, introduces the background, purpose and significance of the research, and puts forward the research methods, ideas and contents of the paper.
The second chapter is a review of brand and brand equity theory. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of domestic and foreign scholars on brand theory, the meaning of the brand is put forward. Through the study of the literature of brand assets, it is found that brand assets are an important business resource of the enterprise. The concept is helpful to grasp the connotation of the brand, and help to reflect and measure the quantity of the brand. The value of brand equity is put forward, and the meaning of brand equity in this article is put forward, so as to facilitate normative research and find the angle that can be cut into this article.
The third chapter is the evaluation of the brand asset model. This chapter studies and analyzes some famous and typical brand asset models established by the Keller model of foreign scholars, AIKE model, Baer model, trend model, Pyramid model and the typical brand asset model established by domestic scholars, and draws the essence of the model for the establishment of a new brand asset model. Guidance.
The fourth chapter is based on the model of brand equity based on consumer. This chapter first uses deep interview to sketch out the brand knowledge image of Chinese consumers through the face-to-face communication with consumers. Secondly, it is based on the model of foreign scholars Aaker, Keller, Yoo and Donthu. The model of brand equity based on consumer is given, and the related assumptions are put forward. The empirical design is carried out again, including industry selection, sample selection, measurement scale development and questionnaire design. Finally, on the basis of data collected from the questionnaire, descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation are used. Analysis, analysis of variance and other methods, using the statistical tools of SPSS14.0, the foregoing assumptions and models are tested and verified, and the model of brand equity based on consumers is built in China.
The fifth chapter is the theory and method of brand equity measurement. First, the basic theory of brand asset measurement is introduced. Then, the measurement method based on the financial factors, the measurement method based on the market factors and the measure method based on the consumer are evaluated. Finally, the method of measuring the product brand assets should be integrated to the enterprise and consumption. The conclusion of the two factors lays a solid foundation for the comprehensive measurement of brand equity in the next chapter.
The sixth chapter is the construction of the comprehensive measure of brand assets. On the basis of the research on the existing methods, this chapter tries to explore a new method of brand asset measurement, that is, to improve the brand law of the British special brand, giving the new meaning of brand action index and brand strength, increasing the consumer brand function index, the concept of consumer brand strength, and so on. The role index of the brand is composed of the brand action index of the consumer and the brand action index of the enterprise. The brand strength is composed of the brand strength of the enterprise and the brand strength of the consumer. The weight of the corresponding index is calculated by the method of importance sorting and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). At the same time, the fuzzy mathematics method is introduced to evaluate the multiple factors. The comprehensive evaluation of price objects will enhance the rationality of measurement.
The seventh chapter is empirical research. This chapter combines the beer industry's "Qingdao beer" brand to study the application of the comprehensive measure method.
The eighth chapter is the conclusion. The article summarizes the research of the full text, draws the main conclusions and the innovation point of this paper, and puts forward the limitations of the research and the direction of further research.
In the process of measuring brand equity, the main conclusions are as follows:
1. brand asset is an intangible asset. It embodies the overall image of the enterprise and brings the future stable excess income to the enterprise. As the value of the intangible asset, the brand depends on all the efforts made by the enterprise on the brand, on the other hand, it also depends on the psychological cognition of the consumer on the brand, and is the common role of the enterprise and the consumer. The result.
2. brand equity based on consumer is derived from brand knowledge of consumer psychology, and consumer brand knowledge is influenced by market environment. Brand equity based on consumer is constructed by brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, perceived value and brand loyalty. The research results are the construction of brand asset measurement methods. It laid a theoretical foundation and provided an index for studying the brand strength of consumers.
The construction of the comprehensive measure of 3. brand assets should take into account the two factors of the enterprise and the consumer. This paper improves the brand law of the British special brand and increases the factors of consumers, thus making the measurement method more scientific and more comprehensive to reflect the source of brand assets.
The 4. brand action index is composed of the brand action index of the consumer and the brand action index of the enterprise. The influencing factors of the two are based on the brand of specific research. In determining the brand action index, the importance ranking method and the analytic hierarchy process can be used to avoid the subjectivity of the brand action index. At the same time, the fuzziness is used. The mathematical method is a comprehensive evaluation of the evaluation objects of multiple factors, which can enhance the rationality of the measure. This method is relatively simple in the implementation process and has some maneuverability in practice.
5. brand strength consists of brand strength of consumers and brand strength of enterprises. Brand strength of consumers measure brand strength from the perspective of consumers. It consists of five dimensions of brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, perceived value and brand loyalty. The brand strength of the enterprise is measured by the enterprise or market angle. It is described from seven indicators: leadership, stability, market power, international power, momentum, support and protection.
6. because of the limit of the condition, this article only measures the value of the brand equity of the beer. The purpose of the measure is not to get one or more data, because the scientificity of the method can not be reflected by several data, but needs the market to test it.
This study not only has certain guiding significance to the measurement practice of brand assets, but also has some innovation in theory. It is expected to provide some reference for the standardization of China's brand asset measurement system. The innovation points of this paper are as follows:
1. on the basis of discussing the meaning of brand and brand equity, the meaning of brand and brand equity is put forward.
Scholars at home and abroad have different understanding of brand and brand assets because of their different perspectives. Through deep analysis of various meanings of brand and brand assets, this paper puts forward the meaning of brand and brand assets, so as to find out the angle that can be cut in, and lay the foundation for the research of the model and measure method of the back face brand asset. A deep foundation.
2. delineate the image of Chinese consumers' brand knowledge, and build a brand equity model based on consumers.
In this paper, the brand knowledge "image" of Chinese consumers is sketched through the way of in-depth interview with consumers. On the basis of learning the model of brand assets from foreign scholars, and combining with the results of in-depth interviews, the model of brand equity based on consumers is proposed. The model is composed of five dimensions and is aimed at Based on the empirical design and the analysis of the data collected by the questionnaire, descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and variance analysis are used to verify the hypothesis and model.
3. build a comprehensive measure of brand equity
On the basis of summarizing and drawing on the existing method of measuring the brand assets, the author improves the brand law of the brand and gives the new meaning of brand action index and brand strength. A comprehensive measure of brand assets was built.
4. important sorting methods and the application of fuzzy mathematics
At present, the main measure of brand assets is to use the method of investigation, statistical processing and analytic hierarchy process. On the basis of the existing methods, this paper uses the important sorting method to determine the brand function index of the consumer innovatively, and uses the fuzzy mathematical method to synthetically judge the evaluation objects of the influencing factors.
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