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发布时间:2018-07-08 14:12

  本文选题:清真食品 + 信任品 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:清真食品是一种特殊的食品,其特殊性表现在对食品的成分及食品的制作方式方法均有与宗教相关的“禁忌”性规定。而与这种对食品的严格限定相对应的是对清真食品的消费者类型本身是没有限制的。因此,除了受到宗教影响的穆斯林消费者之外,受到风俗习惯影响的以回族为代表的少数民族以及其他非穆斯林消费者均可以购买清真食品。由此可见,清真食品具有“普适性”特征。 清真食品突出的信任品天然特质,引发了清真食品市场中的信息不对称问题。其中清真食品生产者属于信息优势方,其掌握了清真食品的完全信息,而清真食品的消费者属于信息劣势方,对于清真食品的组成、生产流通过程等并不了解。随着现代化社会化大生产、食品工业化以及跨地区贸易的繁荣,清真食品生产线延长,这一问题变得尤为突出。清真食品生产者拥有更多信息,而清真食品消费者处于信息劣势。为了争取消费者,扩大市场,食品生产者会采取信号传递方式来显示产品的质量水平,而消费者也会通过信息甄别来确定是否购买。其中,清真食品认证以及清真食品生产厂商发挥品牌的声誉作用,成为解决信息不对称问题的重要手段。 随着清真食品认证制度的演进,出现了第三方的清真认证体系。清真认证是指由第三方(非供方,也非需方;非生产者,也非消费者)经授权的独立的权威机构根据古兰经和圣训等相关规则,对厂家的产品或生产体系进行认证与监督,并就通过与否签发检测报告与证书的过程。取得清真认证也就说明产品质量和安全符合了清真标准。清真认证体系是否可以发挥其信号职能,解决市场信息不对称问题,其关键在于认证信号(清真认证在食品外包装的标签信息)对生产商和消费者是否具备激励效果,是否可以达成分离均衡。而其中的重点就是确保认证信息的真实可靠,消费者根据认证信息选择购买商品,同时不具备清真食品生产要求的企业的产品则无法通过认证进入市场。由于清真食品市场本身有增长潜力,企业是逐利的,因此对于有欺诈行为的厂商应提高其违规成本。具体可以通过多方监管以及增大惩罚力度来控制。 由于清真食品生产企业通过认证来进入清真食品市场,则清真食品的消费者在购买决策中也有别于一般产品。具体表现在:其一,清真食品的消费者有两种类型,即穆斯林消费者与非穆斯林消费者;其二,任何清真食品的消费者都面临着清真食品认证与清真食品品牌的双重选择;其三,不同的清真食品消费者在选择清真食品时的决策规则是不同的——两类消费者购买清真食品的二阶段选择顺序不同。在剔除其他因素干扰的前提下,穆斯林消费者首先考量的因素是是否清真,是否取得清真认证。在同属清真认证食品的前提下(假定清真认证是统一有效的)第二阶段对食品品牌进行排序和选择。而非穆斯林消费者在购买清真食品的过程中,首先选择的是食品品牌(根据偏好,品牌认知也就是对brand credibilty进行评价),选择出食品品牌后再继续对品牌是否是清真产品进行选择。从穆斯林消费者的两阶段阶段模型中可以看出,清真认证是食品进入穆斯林消费市场的通行证,通过清真认证降低了穆斯林消费者的信息费用即交易成本;而通过厂商不同的品牌信用度(可信度和专业度),来降低消费者的选择成本。(品类代言)从非穆斯林消费者二阶段模型中可以看出,非穆斯林消费者有意识地选择清真食品,依然从先品牌出发,同时对于清真食品有风味、更高安全的考量会进入第二步选择。其选择规则遵循于字典序偏好决策法。 根据消费者的两阶段选择模型可以发现,清真食品认证本身已成为清真食品的“清真“属性的外在质量信号,并且与食品品牌一起共同为成为消费者选择的重要影响因素。对于不同类型的消费者而言,清真认证与食品品牌对消费者的影响程度不同。对于穆斯林消费者而言,清真食品认证是其购买决策考虑的首要因素,而品牌选择则是影响其决策的决定因素。而对于非穆斯林消费者而言,清真食品本身不是其生活必须品,但当消费者对清真食品认证认可度提升,则出于食品安全、健康或者口感风味考虑会增加购买清真食品的几率。 在信息不对称的市场中,清真认证本身发挥“质量信号”功能,可以降低消费者风险感知度以及节约信息搜寻成本,因此消费者从食品安全角度考虑有清真认证支付的意愿。但是根据伯特兰模型以及霍特林模型的分析不难看出,随着清真食品市场整体利润的提升,大量新进入者以通过清真认证的方式进入到市场参与竞争,最终会导致清真食品市场评价利润水平下降最终趋于零。由此,只有食品品牌带给消费者可感知的品牌资产才是清真食品产生溢价的来源。品牌,即与目标顾客达成的长期利益均衡的符合。假定清真认证是稳定有效并统一标准的,经过清真认证后,清真食品的带给消费者的物质利益趋同,此时食品品牌带给消费者所感知的情感利益才是产品溢价的主要推动力,同时,品牌信用度可以从降低风险以及节约选择成本两个方面为产品溢价进一步提供了空间。 本文通过采集有限样本对清真食品消费者态度进行了调研。其中,既包括穆斯林消费者也包括非穆斯林消费者。其中重点对消费者对食品安全的态度、风险感知度以及对清真食品和清真认证的认知、食品购买考虑因素以及对清真认证食品和清真食品品牌溢价支付意愿几个方面通过量表进行了调研,同时采用了Logit分析法,主成分因素分析法以及结构方程对数字进行了处理。调研结果表明这与前面的理论假设和模型是吻合的。相关结果,对清真食品溢价规律研究形成了良好的支持。这与前面的理论假设和模型是吻合的。 从中国实际来看,清真食品产业的发展有重要意义。一方面,中国本身就有穆斯林人口近2100万人国内市场本身有对清真食品的需求,另一方面随着国际清真食品这一新兴市场的日益繁荣,发展清真食品对外贸易无疑可以成为中国新的增长点。但反观中国清真食品产业总体状况,却存在很多不足。一方面企业规模小,经营手段和方式落后,缺乏品牌意识,不能满足国内清真食品消费者日趋增加的需求。另一方面,中国清真食品出口在整个国家清真食品市场上占据份额小。同时,中国清真食品与巴西、新西兰、加拿大、美国等传统清真食品出口大国相比,其产品从规模到价格均不占优势。因此中国清真食品产业的发展应从实际情况出发,以消费者需求为核心,打造中国清真食品品牌,提升中国清真食品的溢价能力。在这其中,首先是加强国家层面的政策供应,加强清真食品的相关立法与监管,通过制定统一标准的各地方法规打破国内清真食品贸易壁垒,通过国家之间的清真食品认证互认制度使中国清真食品与国际标准接轨并获得其他国家和地区的认可,同时形成政府、企业、第三方认证机构、消费者等多方信息的良性互动,从而维护清真食品市场的健康有序运行。其次,作为用自身信用为食品的清真性“背书”的第三方认证,本身也应品牌化。国际清真食品市场的竞争,不仅仅是产品的竞争也是标准和认证的竞争。消费者购买清真食品,选择的不仅仅是食品品牌,还有清真认证。因此发掘“清真”带给不同消费者的利益,增加清真认证的信用度,是中国清真食品认证机构发展的重要举措。对于清真食品生产企业而言,清真食品认证前提下,针对不同目标顾客,通过品牌降低消费者选择成本提升消费者感知的情感利益是其实现溢价的核心内容。
[Abstract]:In addition to Muslim consumers affected by religion , the Muslim minority and other non - Muslim consumers who are affected by customs and customs can buy real food . Therefore , the authentic food has the characteristics of " universality " .

The problem of information asymmetry in the real food market is caused by the natural characteristics of the authentic goods in the real food market . The real food producer is the information superiority party , and the consumers of the real food are the information inferior parties , and the problem becomes especially prominent . With the large production of modern socialization , the food industry and the prosperity of regional trade , the real food production line is extended , and the consumers will adopt the signal transmission way to display the quality level of the product , and the consumers will also adopt the information screening to determine whether to buy .

With the evolution of the authentication system of the authentic food , a third party ' s authentication system has appeared . The authentication of the authentic goods refers to the third party ( non - supplier , non - supplier ) .
Non - producer , non - consumer ) authorized independent authority carries on the certification and supervision of the product or production system of the manufacturer according to the relevant rules such as the koran and the holy training , and the process of checking report and certificate is issued . The key lies in ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the authentication information . The key lies in ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the authentication information . The key lies in ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the authentication information . The key lies in ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the authentication information . The key lies in the fact that the authentication signal ( the label information of the food package ) can not pass the authentication into the market .

Since the real food production enterprise enters the real food market through the authentication , the consumers of the real food are different from the general product in the purchase decision - making .
Second , the consumers of any real food are faced with the dual choice of the authentic food certification and the real food brand ;
Third , the decision - making rules of different kinds of food consumers in choosing the real food are different from the two - stage selection order of the different _ two kinds of consumers to buy real food . In the process of rejecting other factors , it is the first choice for Muslim consumers to sort and choose the food brands .
It can be seen from the two - stage model of non - Muslim consumers that non - Muslim consumers are conscious of choosing authentic food , still starting from the first brand , while also having the flavor of authentic foods , and the higher safety concerns will enter the second step . The selection rules follow the dictionary order preference decision - making method .

According to the consumer ' s two - stage selection model , it can be found that the authentic food certification itself has become the external quality signal of the " true " attribute of the authentic food , and together with the food brand , it is the important factor influencing the choice of consumers . For Muslim consumers , the authentic food certification is the primary factor influencing the decision - making . For non - Muslim consumers , the authentic food itself is not the necessities of its decision - making . In the market of information asymmetry , the authentication itself plays the function of " quality signal " , which can reduce the consumer risk perception and save the cost of information search . However , according to the analysis of Burt ' an model and the Hobart model , it is not easy to see that , with the improvement of the overall profit of the real food market , it will lead to the decline of the profit level of the real food market . The brand , the emotional benefit perceived by the consumer is the main driving force of the product premium , and meanwhile , the brand credit can further provide space for the product premium from the two aspects of reducing the risk and saving the selection cost .

This paper makes a survey on the attitude of consumers in real food by collecting limited samples , including Muslim consumers as well as non - Muslim consumers . The research results show that this is consistent with the previous theoretical assumptions and models . The results show that this is consistent with the previous theoretical assumptions and models . The results show that this is consistent with the previous theoretical assumptions and models .

On the other hand , the development of China ' s real food industry should take the consumer demand as the core to build the healthy and orderly operation of the food market in China .


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